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There were a few moments where I got to feel smug at their surprise.

“You seized Immortality?” Serondes eventually asked.

“Seize immortality?” I asked, completely unfamiliar with the phrase.

“Attained it with a skill.” Aegion clarified.

“Seized is the better word.” Serondes muttered.

“Attained is accurate!”

“So is seized!”

Awarthril thumped both of them on the head, ending the argument.

“You two are as bad as each other! Knock it off!” She turned to me.

“Elaine! That’s wonderful!” She leaned in closer. “What’d you get as your curse?”

“Awarthril! I would never ask something like that!” Serondes waved his fork at her. “Her curse is intensely private, not to be shared with anyone she doesn’t utterly trust.”

“Oh, knock it off.” Aegion swatted at the air near Serondes. “From the sound of it, she grew up in an area with no Immortals, she doesn’t know any of the terminology, we need to help her out as much as we can.”

“I’m not cursed yet.” I told them.

“Awww, shucks. Sounds like it isn’t an Immortality skill then.” Awarthril cut a steak in half, shoved the entire thing in her mouth, and ate it in like three bites. That was a valid method of eating when she had a billion physical stats, but wow.

“Eh, I haven’t activated it yet. I was concerned about White Dove and getting cursed, since we don’t have a lot of immortals.”

Serondes and Awarthril each picked up something different from that statement, and started talking over each other.

Aegion took the chance to shove a mug of some sort of golden-colored liquid into my hands, raising his own in a universal “cheers” gesture. I instinctively took a sip, flavor and taste having a whole parade at how good it tasted. Why couldn’t everything he made be like this? I narrowed my eyes at him. Or was this some of the “old, good stash”, broken out on special occasions, and not one of his brews?

I was leaning towards “not one of his” until further evidence changed my mind.

Serondes won out, on the basis of having Sound skills.

“Hang on, you know almost nothing about Immortals, but you know about White Dove’s curse ahead of time? Most people who seize Immortality are taken by surprise.” He said, while Awarthril glared murder at him. To her credit, she gracefully backed down, letting me answer Serondes’s question - but from the look on her face, the way she was hunched forward on the table, not eating, said the moment I was done, she’d pounce with her own question.

“Oh, we’ve got some vampires hanging around where I live. I talked with a few of them, they told me how it worked for them.” I said, giving the short, short version.

“Vampires!” Aegion happily slapped the table with one free hand, slamming his mug down to the table. “We’ve got some records of them in the List of Immortals, but we thought they’d gone extinct! Good to hear they’re still alive and kicking. Be a shame to lose another Natural Immortal race.”

“Forget all that.” Awarthril said, still staring at me. “You said you haven’t activated it yet. Are you telling me that you’ve got an active Immortality skill, not a passive one?”

“Uh, yeah. It rewinds the clock on the body, or in other words, makes someone young again.”

That was my understanding of the skill, having built it myself, and from the description given.

The penny dropped for the other two elves.

“Hang on, can you use it on others?” Aegion asked.

I opened my mouth to answer, but Serondes interrupted.

“Elaine, listen to me. No, seriously, listen. I know I said keep your curse quiet, but more importantly, if you can use it on others, don’t tell anyone. Being able to make others Immortal is one of the most sought-after skills, period. Take Awarthril here. She’s bonded with Kiyaya,”

The two in question affectionately nuzzled each other.

“But Kiyaya has a limited lifespan. The bond’s extending it, but Awarthril isn’t expecting her to live more than 200 years.”

“Pblrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp! I’m expecting her to live forever!” Awarthril interrupted with heat and fire in her voice.

Serondes graciously nodded a compassionate concession, and kept going.

“You’re going for a companion yourself, you should have some idea of the depth of the bond involved. Now, Awarthril’s come along with us to try and get enough levels for Kiyaya to gain her own Immortality skill.”

Awathril threw a fork at Serondes. It wasn’t particularly fast, not with the supersonic throws I knew she was capable of, and he easily dodged it. He did get brained as she pulled on the thin strand of sticky goo attached to the fork, boomeranging it back, making him faceplant into the table.

Either way, message sent and received. Serondes kept talking as he rubbed his head, glaring at Awarthril.

“Now, she finds someone who can grant Immortality, or heck, like you were saying, turn back the clock. What would she do to convince you to help her and Kiyaya?”

“Uh. Ask nicely?” I hazarded, channeling a bit of Brawling and playing the naive human.

No, the implications Serondes was talking about were all too clear. Even if Awarthril was totally moral, and I helped her out willingly, desperation one day might drive her to some extreme or another. Someone with a higher level and fewer scruples might want an Immortality granting healer around, to keep all their favorite toys alive forever.

And since this was Immortality that was being discussed here, forever was forever.

“Ok, no, I get it.” I raised my hands defensively as Aegion started to open his mouth. “What makes Immortality skills different from, like, the best carpentry skills ever? Why doesn’t that inspire greed?” I asked. “Surely this can’t be the only madly desired skill.”

“Time.” Awarthril grimly answered. “Or replaceability, depending how you look at it. You want Folen to make you one of his legendary talismans? You can afford to wait until your name is next on the list. You need a sword of adamantium? Offer a new life to a hundred orphans, and train them all in the art of smithing, until one master rises to the top, and can craft the sword for you. However, you fall in love with a mortal? You find a lifelong connection with a companion who’s only got 300 short years on the planet? Nothing can replace them. The only solution is to get them to a high enough level, and get lucky that the System offers an Immortality skill - or find someone who can grant it. Conventional wisdom says to not fall in love with mortals, or bind with creatures with low lifespans, but… sometimes life just happens.” She affectionately petted Kiyaya, fighting back a tear.


I put on my thinking cap.

I didn’t have much more to say. I’d wanted the Immortality skill, burned with desire for it. I’d crafted and shaped my class to accommodate the skill, all without thinking about long-term implications and knock-off effects.

With that being said, would I have problems in Remus?

Unlikely. Night, and other vampires could grant Immortality, and yet they didn’t seem to have big problems. Being somewhat secretive and hiding could help, along with being the biggest, baddest fish in the small pond called Remus, but there was something more to it than that. The elves knew about vampires, but I hadn’t heard of secret midnight raids to kidnap them. Given that, to my understanding, they could grant Immortality, I was missing some piece of the puzzle.

I mean… Aegion had just mentioned that the elves suspected the vampires had gone extinct, which might be why there were no daring… midday? raids.

Come to think of it, Night had never offered to turn me into one, nor were there legions of ex-Sentinels-turned-vampires running around. At least, not that I knew of. There had to be something else going on, but I didn’t think this was the time for it.

Also, I’d seen stasis fields from Lun’Kat. Didn’t they imply other ways of keeping people around forever? Oh, right - they’d freeze the person, and it wasn’t much better than creating a statue of the person, but it did extend the timeframe… although given that it was one of the most powerful dragons in the world making the stasis fields, it might be out of the reach of all but the highest leveled elves.

I challenged one of my assumptions. I hoped Lun’Kat was one of the most powerful dragons. I dreaded to think what it’d be like otherwise. The fact that one of her elements was Mirage implied she wasn’t that combat-focused as…


“Elaine. If you can help Kiyaya, will you do it? Please?” She asked, as the wolf in question nuzzled my hand, licking me plaintively. “I’ll owe you a favor, even if you just try.”

Well, nothing for it. I had no reason to say no, and this would be good practice.

I focused on the skill, “stretching” it like a new muscle. I tried to channel it into Kiyaya, but there was no purchase. No feeling of activation. It was like I was trying to heal a rock.

“I’m sorry. I don’t think my skill works on wolves.” I said, feeling my heart stabbed as Awathril’s face fell. The skill had no ‘purchase’, no feedback.

She put on a brave face.

“Well, nothing for it. I’d be more than happy to work with you to level you up, get the skill stronger, and evolve it so it can help with non-humans!”

Always the eternal optimist.

“That might be a bit hard - I put the bare minimum in to get the skill, it was expensive.”

“What do you mean?” Aegion asked.

“I had the chance to build my own class! It was a ton of fun, but incredibly stressful.”

I’d mentioned that earlier, but it’d gotten lost in the discussion about my class qualities and stat totals.

The elves and their companions all looked at Serondes, who gave a smug smile.

“I managed to get that for my Lava class! Had a whole range of volcanoes, and a jar of lava to pour. Got some nifty skills out of it. How about you?”

Interesting. It didn’t quite seem to be as rare as I thought.

“Stars and constellations I had to ignite with starlight.” I said.

“Elaine, it sounds like you’ve had a most fascinating journey. I’d love to know more about you. Tell me about yourself.” Serondes gave me a look, like I was the only person in the world.

I know I’d given the short version of my story, heck, earlier today, but now they wanted more.

“Well, things started in earnest when I was eight, and unlocked my System. See, I had my good friend, Lyra, who…”

I gave them a somewhat abridged version of events, from the events that caused me to swear my [Oath], without going into details of exactly what was in it, to running away from home, bandits, Rangers, monsters, classing up, kidnapping, more monsters, plagues, the capital, Ranger Academy - the short version - becoming a Sentinel, keeping all the Sentinel secrets. An overview of my missions, from plagues to pirates, earthquakes to rebellions. Then the Formorians, and, well, they’d heard it from there.

It was pretty late by the time I’d finished, and Serondes had scattered torches around the campsite, igneous rock topped by shifting Lava.

I was helping as well, with my own little glow, but I was feeling more than a bit regretful right now that I’d taken Radiance over Lava. It was just so versatile!

I had to remind myself that it was significantly more expensive to pull off the same tricks, and Radiance had a different bag of tricks. Like, Radiance light was cheap. Lava-light? Had to keep dumping large amounts of mana into the Lava to keep it hot, and it kept radiating the heat out, while also not being all that bright, relatively speaking.

Aegion was contently sipping another mug of mystery beer, a contently sloshed look on his face.

“Good story, good story.” He gestured towards my mug I’d been nursing, carefully rationing every sip. It was good stuff, worth savoring and letting the feeling flow over me with each mouthful.

“I’m totally convinced now. Elaine dear, you need to spend some time with us, to learn what it means to be Immortal, and how it’s going to change things for you. Plus, we need to get your level way up. That Night fellow sounds like he’s got his heart in the right place, but is muddling through it himself. I’m sure he’d do his best to help you, but, well…”

She trailed off, not wanting to finish her sentence, and disparage someone close to me. I could roughly fill in the blank.

“But he’s not an elf.

Still, I did appreciate them wanting to raise my level, even if it was for selfish reasons. I wasn’t going to say no, any help in this hostile world was worth it.

“One early trick, for example, are companions! You’re going to be living a long, fruitful life, probably with a bunch of cycles to get your classes and their quality high enough. Companions are great for that! They help protect you when you’ve just reset, and you’ve lost a lot of strength. Jumping from your first cycle to your second is rough. A lot of Immortals do something silly, thinking they have their old strength, that they’re as fast as they used to be.”

Awarthril shook her head sadly, but not with the knowing of having lost someone close to her to the described mistake.

“Plus, companions are great!” Aegion jumped in, affectionately feeding Cordamo carefully-sized chunks. The poor snake was bloated as hell, having been ‘affectionately fed’ for the past few hours while I was telling my story, but the little glutton was still forcing his mouth open for the next bite. “People will come and go your entire life, no matter how much you might think otherwise. A companion though? They’ll keep you grounded, centered, sane. One friend who’ll never leave you, who you’ll never drift apart from over the centuries.”

“Right now, we’re all the best of friends.” Serondes chimed in, to everyone’s - companions included - agreeing nods. “A thousand years from now? I might be cashing in some favors Awarthril owes me once in a while, and every decade or so inviting Aegion to lunch. A companion? Friendship for your eternal life, the one constant in an ever-changing world.”

Awarthril shot him a foul look at that.

“It’s pretty late. We should turn in for the night.” Awarthril yawned and stretched.

“I’m happy to take a watch if needed! I don’t mind helping. I’m used to it.” I volunteered.

“Watch?” Aegion asked, as confused as could be. “Why would we set a watch?”

Um. What?!

“Er, if something attacks us in the night, or tries to sneak in, or something? Whoever’s awake can alert everyone else?” I looked around, seeing looks of confusion.

“But nothing’s going to attack us.” Serondes pointed out, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“Don’t worry about it Elaine! We’ll be fine. Just go get a good night’s sleep.” Awarthril said.

“I’ll fix you up a little space. Come with me.” Serondes got up from the table, beckoning me to follow. With a flicker of thought, he raised walls, expertly catching a bedroll tossed by Aegion over to us. Sand and Lava mixed together as he hummed, a beautiful and haunting melody. Soon, a cozy little sleeping space, complete with small windows, big enough to let in some light but not let anyone see inside, emerged, with us in it.

It would be cozy even before Serondes was here, and as it was, I ended up pressed against him, my mind whirling in all sorts of different and interesting ways. I shifted to make sure my egg stayed safe.

“One last thing before I go.” He musically half-whispered in my ear, not needing to be any louder for me to hear. “Match the egg’s temperature, then exceed it by a small amount. If you’d like, I can make a Lava box to keep it warm at night.”

The soft breaths on my ear was causing a flushing to go up my neck, and I mentally reasserted myself.

“Thank you.” I whispered back. “I’ve got a skill for it.”

“Tell me if you need any help during the night.” He walked out of the small sleeping hut he’d made.

I did need something - I retrieved my armor, and spent some time making sure it was all dry, doing some serious thinking. First things first though, I adjusted the heat output from my Radiance magic to the egg I was holding, then once I’d gotten it just right, according to both Serondes’s instructions and [Egg Incubation], I tied it off with [Persistent Casting] and forgot about it.

First off - all the elves were stupidly good looking and interesting. However, my experience with Jaclyn, remembering how that turned out, was a good reminder not to rush into things. Heck, the elves either didn’t notice the effect they had on me, or just assumed it was totally natural.

I wanted to curse the gods out for making elves so damn perfect. If I’d known, I would’ve begged Papillion to be an elf, not a human. It was so unfair, I could cry.

I let the feeling pass. Crying and being upset over it wouldn’t change the past, it wouldn’t change who I was.

With that being said, I figured I could indulge in the inadvertent crush I’d developed on all three of them for a single night, then ruthlessly crush it - pun intended - and properly mentally reset myself, so I wasn’t totally bedazzled by all three of them, so I didn’t hang onto their every word and watch every motion, hoping they’d glance at me and smile.

Hormones were so annoying!

At the same time, they could be a ton of fun. The trick was going to be in control of my feelings, and not let them rule me, along with not making any dumb decisions.

And hey, once I’d sorted out my crush feelings and gotten my head screwed back on straight, maybe I’d pursue one of them. None of the dates I’d gone on in Remus had been any good, and I was starting to despair of finding someone, anyone, who could relate to me in a respectful way, who I found interesting and wasn’t old enough to be my father.

Ok, maybe technically the elves were that old, but they seemed to be around my maturity level. Either way, we were on a similar playing field, so to speak. They didn’t have a bunch of kids running around, we were all Immortals, in short, they didn’t trigger any of my squick “ewww no” factors.

Awarthril’s mothering of everyone was getting close though. Wasn’t there yet.

Right. Plan was set - indulge in crush tonight, then kill it, and look at the elves with a fresh set of eyes. I wrapped myself up with [Mantle], then started fantasizing about the elves. Only question was - who?

Serondes, with his musical voice?

Cute Aegion?

Awarthril, with her caring nature and ginger hair, which I’d never seen in Remus?

No, wait - All three.

At the same time.

I practically exploded in delight at the thought.



O lord. This is a top-tier cliff


Elaine really is spilling all her secrets without thinking twice, isn't she? Oof


Nice, thank you for the chapter.

Keith Rice

Oh boy, this "no watch" plan won't have any consequences.




Just wondering if its me, i didnt get the email for 229 and had to come find it on patreon before i read this. Also: giant wolf ftw. My favorite ranger pet/ shapeshifter/ etc in stories. Ty much.


She should spend some time with the elves - but I really hope she finds the time make a visit to Remus first. She's been neglecting her family and friends for a while now...


I mean, the chances of having a relationship with someone significantly better loocking than you are borderline 0, and this is probabily the only case where woman have it worst than man relationship wise


If I could pay more money to get more of your writing GOOD JOB!


Well they said they're going in the same direction so it might be their destination even if she could go there much faster. I think she does miss them. However, first it would be kinda repetitive if every chapter mentioned it. Second it's probably more in the back of her mind. Sure she would have constantly thought about it when she was alone in the tunnels for months but now that she's actually met people who aren't trying to kill or imprison (at least it doesn't seem so) her it's not a surprise she other things on her mind. Especially with the elves being elves for lack of a better way to describe it.


Right, this might be the case for elves specifically because of their general attitude but irl looks are definitely not everything. Sure it's tilting the odds but it's still very possible imo.


Really hope she's gonna pay a visit to Remus before she starts travelling with the elves in earnest. Also, I wonder how she is going to deal with her parents. She can grant immortality and probably wants to keep them alive, but will she actually do it? Is she going to decide against it herself? or are they going to say no? What about her brother, or Artemis?


the question is, does her oath force her to save everyone from death by age? she can cure ageing afterall now

Sebin Paul

Was there a skill in play here on the part of the elves? I thought Elaine had already figured out how valuable her skill was, and recognized she should keep it a secret.


Hmmm. Elaines conversations and actions recently (lunkat's lair) make me question how much has learned or matured over the years. She is just spilling all of her secrets and allowing herself to be vulnerable around a bunch of strangers. Vampires were supposed to be a secret. Her immortality skill was supposed to be secret (right?) Shes giving strangers her life story. Hell, at one point with the dwarves she offered to give them a map.


Why were vampires supposed to be secret? She was keeping a lid on the immortality skill because A) She didn't have it, B) she didn't know how night would react to the threat of a new Immortal. Elaine's always been open about stuff. This is nothing new


Lol also i have never noticed that such things help with ending crushes, specially if they are particularly GOOOD sessions.


LOL what tier gets you access to Elaine's spank bank?


Poor girl elf whose name i always immediately forget. It would suck to know that you COULD get your dog to stay with you forever, if only you try a little harder.

Nicholas F

Hmm wondering if the Elves did something to get Elaine to talk so much. Could just be stress and hormones 🤷🏼‍♂️

Chloe Grace whitson

Is probably loneliness, and her open personality. Elaine has already shown that she is an open book as long as you approach her as a friend.


Being friendly after having a really, really shitty year is basically it. Stress, horomones, lonely, giving help without expecting anything in return, it all adds up.


Its quite logical really for her to return to Remus, say hello and than be shipped off after night understand the political nuke of having a socially inept Elaine offering politicians immortality so she returns to the elves, who intend for her to upgrade her class so her immortality skill upgrades, thus! Power levelling season is a go until the elves grow tired of adventure for the next millennium, she returns to remus every a decade or so to the border, touches some sentinels and her family to give immortality too, while her existence is mythical in the records as the creator of the healer manuscripts! And after a decade or two the civil war should calm down and allow her to return peacefully! Sounds goos to me!

Melting Sky

So it's been confirmed her immortality skill is NOT just a self-buff. Her wording originally when she classed up implied it was probably not a targetable skill. That is a huge revelation. This changes everything. She is a living fountain of youth.


I'm liking how nice it is right now. She deserves it, and hopefully it lasts a while.


It makes sense, since it is part of her healer class and it was said beforehand, that she wanted to make her parents jung again as well


One thing I’m curious about now is how the immortality works with the class cycling that the elves are talking about. They mention she has plenty of time to cycle and get the most powerful classes, but wouldn’t she be able to cycle her other classes only at the risk of losing the immortality skill? Or maybe have to pray she got it in another class so she could cycle her radiance class.


The elves have done a pretty good job interrogating Elaine. They keep tripping warning flags in my mind and I can't help but think that things will head south all too soon.


It would be a little different than for natural immortals for sure. She'd have to keep her healing class and only cycle the other two for as long as it takes to get a second immortality skill in her other class and then change the cycling class. Of course it's worth mentioning that her healing classes were already on the stronger side so it's not really a pressing issue I'd say.


It's true they've asked Elaine all sorts of stuff no one in Remus would consider asking but you gotta keep in mind these are elves. They probably consider this normal especially considering they told her all about their classes in return even without Elaine asking. Heck Elaine even mentioned once how Awarthril immediately told her exactly how her class works.


If I’m remembering right, it is possible to reset to a higher level than the baseline— you can reset your class to any level at which it could have upgraded. So Elaine could just reset to a 256 class that still has the immortality skill. It might possibly be less efficient, but she wouldn’t run the risk of losing her immortality.

Alexey Gladkich

If she resets to the same class type then her skills would naturally return and be even better.


Eh, you could raise up 100 orphans as healers the same way you would do with blacksmiths for an adamantium sword. The solution to the problem of companions dying of old age is to create abundance not artificial scarcity. Elves have been frolicking around for 5000 years, cycling class resets, and they don't have immortality-granting clinics in every city? If it was really so sought after, you'd think there would be large-scale efforts to produce more individuals with the skill.

Melting Sky

I must have missed the bit about her parents. I just remember when she got the skill and described it only in terms of working on herself. At the time I remember thinking it was likely just self immortality, but it looks like I missed a bit of later foreshadowing.


With such a valuable skill, she'd be better off cycling only her 2nd and 3rd class while periodically upgrading her celestial healer class whenever she hits diminishing returns. Even if it takes her twice as long cycling only two classes, it's still better than losing her custom class and immortality. Edit: Oh right, resetting [The Dawn Sentinel] to 256 and customize it again at higher quality and with more starlight could work.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.

Scott, just Scott

Now that Elaine is thinking about elvish romance, here is an interesting reflection on romantic tropes in harem (all three!) novels: http://www.andreakhost.com. Enjoy!

Scientist Valci

Finally Elaine has some more romantic feelings. I thought she was immune to them.

Alexey Gladkich

@Cirvante I think it is only possible to reset class to lvl 1. Else Elves would recommend 768->256 which isn't nearly as weakening as 768->1.


Nope, Selkie confirmed you can reset your class completely or to an earlier point, like 128 or 32. When you only care about amassing stats and upgrading class quality, then resetting to 8 is better since going from 8 to 256 is a breeze with two classes and experience multipliers at 768 or 1024. However, Elaine can reset back to 256 and re-customize [The Dawn Sentinel] at higher quality. As long as she stays a sentinel the option should be there.

Alexey Gladkich

@Cirvante but if you reset your class to an earlier point - do you get to choose what you get? With complete reset a different class can be chosen but is it really the case with partial reset? Also stats from 1->256 contribute very little compared to 256->768. Stat scaling from class level tiers has huge impact. Perhaps it adds a bit but is it worth extra danger?


It's not just the stats from 8 to 256, but a chance for better starting classes unlocking better advanced classes later. And getting a class from 8 to 256 is easy when you're backed up by two 1024 classes and massive experience multipliers. Just wipe out some level 200-300 dinos for a week and you're golden. I'm not sure how the specifics of a partial reset work, but I think that in order to reconfigure [The Dawn Sentinel], Elaine would have to reset back to level 128 [Constellation of the Healer] and level up to 256 again. The custom class option should still be available as long as she is still the Dawn Sentinel. The system remembers her achievements, even [World Traveller] is still available.


Elaine has always shown intense romantic feelings ... towards mangos.

Alexey Gladkich

There was also an obvious foreshadowing in Iona's timeline. With the healer that according to rumors can grant immortality. (The healer is most probably Elaine)

Alexey Gladkich

@Cirvante since the leveling of 1->256 would be quick - the improvements past the reset will be very minor. I think only 256 lvl up and the reset can accumulate enough XP and achievements to get next better class quality. It's very unlikely that you can improve, say, Dark Green quality with lvl 32 or 128 upgrade. If partial reset leads to one of older class instead of choosing a new one - then it's not worth it. A large portion of quality improvement process is picking class when you have lots of stats.

Melting Sky

Leveling from 1 to 256 is going to take way more than a week. If it's a healer class, she is looking at years to get back to 256 since healer classes get very little from killing stuff. If it's a combat class, it's still probably going to take more than a week since the only way anyone goes from 1 to 256 in a week is if they are in a constant life and death struggle in a pitched battle killing thousands of formidable enemies. The only time we have seen feats of combat leveling like that have been the surviving champions of losing battles who stood against the tide as their comrades fell beside them. The system provides very large exp multipliers for novel and dangerous situations which would be completely missing from a fish in a barrel dinosaur hunt. If you are hunting enemies that are trivial to you the leveling pace is going to be MUCH slower. The level cycling process the elves are describing will take many thousands of years to reach a perfect class. Even longer if it's done safely which it pretty much would have to be if you plan to actually survive to the end. You can have a good run of luck, but no run of luck lasts 10,000 years straight. I guess healers have an advantage when it comes to surviving against the odds in pitched battles because they can survive mistakes that would end anyone else, but they are far from invincible. The way the elves stubbornly reset their classes for millennia looking for the absolutely perfect version is not exactly optimal and is likely a result of their curse. A person who keeps resetting around lvl 1000 for thousands of years will be much weaker than one who has never reset and is sitting at close to level 4000. In the pursuit of perfection, the person resetting and weakening themselves over and over again for thousands of years is exposing themselves to WAY more danger than the person that just keeps on leveling until they hit the max. The reset strategy only works if you live long enough to see the fruits of your labor in the far distant future when you finally level cap. My guess is that somewhere in between is where the sweet spot is. At least a couple of resets are probably worth it for immortals who have a safe environment and whose starting classes were really low quality.

Alexey Gladkich

@MeltingSky It won't take a casual week but it will be very quick. You see, Elaine's Learning will boost XP gain greatly at lvl 768, about 10 times. And stats from other two classes with significantly ease level gain of the low level class. Furthermore, the class will be of high quality and have great skills despite being low level. Only 256->768 leveling will take a long while unless seriously risky situations occurred.

Alexey Gladkich

@MeltingSky the person who never reset will never reach 4000 to begin with. Unless ofcource they somehow managed to get Black quality class around lvl 1000 and had very high quality prior to that. Monsters reach extremely high level partially due to having extremely large racial stats boosts - meaning that from the very start their class quality is very high.


Yeah, without reset cycling you eventually get stuck. The kind of monsters that can level you past 2000 would annihilate you. And I wasn't talking about Elaine but the elves. Take an elf with advanced Learning and Training at level 1024. That's a 29x experience multiplier. Now let's assume that elves naturally gain 10x more experience due to being the gods' favourites and we have a 290x multiplier. Add to that the fact they have the stats to kill level 300 monsters with a level 32+ class and kill them solo (more exp) while facing them head-on instead of nuking them from afar (more exp). Even if the system rewards less experience due to low risk and no novelty, a hundred dinos a day, with a 290x multiplier, is still going to level their class fast. At least up to level 256. Night is on one end of the spectrum, it took him five millenia to reach 512, while the elves are on the other end. The only reason it takes them so long is probably because they see no point in powerleveling every day. They're immortal, they'll get there eventually. And another point in favour of resetting back to 8 is that it allows you to experiment with different elements.


Yea the elves are great characters! I love them more than even the sentinels already! So likableeeee


The [Hot Elves] will be [Eaten] and [Replaced] in the night.


Her standards are just high. They have to be either extremely eye catching vampire or plain old immature elfsss..


Every time the elves answer a question, I come up with a new question. PLEASE KEEEP TALKING. 🙏


TYPO: "knock-off effects" should be "knock-on effects"