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I spent an excessively long time in the hot bath Serondes had made. I’d like to say it was because I was relaxing, enjoying my first hot soak since the dwarves.

No. I was mortified by the fact that I’d stunk so badly that the elves almost literally threw me in. I was determined to clean out every single last bit of dirt, grime, and grease. Also, my nails had gotten super-long, and had started to curl against the end of the gauntlets. I just hadn’t noticed at all, but they were curled, yellow, cracked, and nasty.

My hair was in terrible shape to boot. The only reason the entire thing wasn’t one huge mat was the uber helmet-hair I was now sporting. The ends had needed trimming, and I swear I would’ve lost levels in [Pretty] if I’d still had the skill. In theory, it wasn’t possible. I was convinced that I would’ve caused such an affront to the skill that the System would’ve been like “whoa, wait, no, can’t have any of that.”

As I was scrubbing unidentifiable sludge off my body, Awarthril was running about with a piece of string.

“Left arm up!” She called out, and I instinctively obeyed her, feeling my hair blow around as she moved faster than I could see. I felt numerous tingles along my arm follow behind her motion.

“Mmm, I see, I see…” She said, vanishing again in a flurry. I’d get back to washing, and of course as I was cleaning somewhere awkward she’d show back up again.

“Stand!” She called out, in a nice, but firm tone. I stood on the hard igneous rocks, not quite sure what she wanted. She was being so helpful though, that I wasn’t going to say no.

“Right, arms out.” She said, with the professional tone of a nurse getting her patient all set.

I snapped my arms out, feeling a light, ticklish breeze over my torso and belly as her string whipped around it, far faster than I could see. A shiver went up my back, following a few seconds after the string.

“Ok, I’m done. You have a nice long soak now.” Awarthril said, vanishing again.

The gust of wind behind her led credence to the idea that she’d moved with her super-elf speed, and hadn’t dropped an invisibility illusion.

I went back to scrubbing, thinking about it. Awarthril was the most straightforward illusionist I’d ever encountered. No tricks, no deceit, just plain and simple.

Well. As “plain and simple” as any elf got.

The water was starting to turn an ugly color, the relative size of the pond versus the dirt I had on me in an unfavorable ratio.

I was still musing on Awarthril when I spotted Kiyaya, roughly at the same time she spotted me.

And the bath.

“No! No no no AHHHHHH!” I yelled, as Kiyaya took a running leap into the pond, acting like a one-wolf depth-charge.

I came back up spluttering, only to see Kiyaya happily frolicking in the water, splashing about like a puppy. I blew some hair out of my face, chuckled, and kept digging dirt out from under my freshly-trimmed nails.

About fifteen minutes of intense scrubbing later, Kiyaya got out of the water, with the dreaded little shakes all dogs do when wet.

I was a bit smarter this time, and dove under the water right as she shook herself, throwing wet dog water all over the place.

I rolled my eyes as I kept scrubbing, eventually moving onto my armor, which Awarthril had helpfully left by the pond.

I honestly didn’t know how to properly maintain plate armor like what the dwarves had gotten me. I did know some basics, like “clean out the sludge” and “get the dirt out of the joints” and the like. Fortunately for me, the [Mend Armor] gem had fixed most of the worst issues, like corrosion. Granted, given that a chunk of the armor was now made out on conjured material, it was living on borrowed time. It would only have a few years left of being useful, but at the rate I went through armor?

Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh. I suspected I’d be back in Sentinel gear in no time. If nothing else, I wanted to look the part. People knew what Rangers, and Sentinels looked like. Showing up in weird armor?

They’d mistake me for an adventurer. I couldn’t have that happen!

I idly touched mom’s pendant. The leather cord it was on had somewhat held, but I’d need to look into restringing it soon, along with washing it.

“Hey Elaine!” Aegion called from behind one of the hardened walls of Lava that Serondes had raised.

“Yeah?” I called back.

“Do humans have a nudity taboo or anything, or can I come in?”

Did I want the incredibly hot elf to stare at my naked body?

Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. I mean, yes, but nooooooo. I was feeling self-conscious around the elves already. I didn’t think my ego could handle Aegion’s critical look. From what little I’d seen, he’d good-naturedly point out a few flaws I had, then tell me exactly how I could fix them.

The elves were absolutely wonderful, and I was going to develop an inferiority complex being around them.

“Um. We don’t, but I’d rather not. The water’s mostly sludge at this point anyways!” I finally squeaked out, giving a poor excuse, the other part of my brain imagining Aegion in the bath with me.

I’m pretty sure all the steam was from the bath, and not from my ears.

“Alright! Well, you’ve got some new clothes out here. They should all fit, I just tailored some of Awarthril’s old clothes for you.”

I couldn’t help myself. I quietly broke down crying, trying to half-submerge myself in the water so they wouldn’t hear me.

Alas, trying to keep sound hidden from incredibly high level Classers with extra-large ears right next to you was a losing game. Awarthril moseyed over with Kiyaya in tow, plate with pterodactyl steak in one hand, fork with a second steak on it in the other. She was gnawing around the edges, twirling it around as she chowed down. I put my hands over my face, not wanting her to see me crying, as futile of a gesture as that was.

“Are you ok?” She asked, taking a comfortable seat on the ground near where I was crying in the bath. I weakly nodded my head, unable to stem the fat tears welling up.

“What’s wrong? You can tell me.” Awarthril’s voice was soothing and comforting.

“You’re all just so nice!” I blubbered out. “Everyone and everything for the last YEAR has been trying to kill me, eat me, imprison me, or worse, then you all come along and you’re just so nice and wonderful and caring and just too good for me.” I had snot running down my nose, and I was totally in ugly-crying territory. It’d been too long since I’d been treated with basic kindness. Too long a paranoid captive, too long trapped in the dark mines, too long fighting Formorians, just - too long since I’d last had a hug.

I needed a hug.

“D’awwww. No, it’s ok. Come here. It’s all ok.” Awarthril said, awkwardly cradling my head while I cried into her lap. “You just looked like you needed a break. Come on, it’s all ok now. I’ll get you fed and warm, you’ll have a good night’s sleep and everything will be ok.”

I sniffed again, rubbing my snotty nose against my arm then just dunking it back in the pond.

“You’ll be ok. I promise. Why don’t you finish up, and join us for a hot steak? Serondes has really outdone himself this time! Come on, a hot meal’s just what you need.”

“And you’re sure about the clothes?” I asked her.

“Oh those? I hope you’re not too offended, I’ve been looking for an excuse to get rid of them for ages. I hated the cut, but Mistcloth’s too nice to just throw out. This does me a favor! Really!” She explained. “Guilt-free storage cleanout. Ok, I’ll leave you be. Come join us in a minute!”

Awarthril left, and with a great slobbery kiss Kiyaya licked me and padded after her companion. I finished washing up, then took a look at the clothing Awarthril provided.

First off, wearing hand-me-downs was nothing new for me. Most of the clothes I’d ended up in as a kid had been hand-me-downs that mom’s friends gave to her as their last kid outgrew them, and many of my old clothes ended back in circulation that way, or got re-stitched into newer, larger clothes for me. That part wasn’t weird.

A practical stranger’s former undergarments becoming mine? As an adult? A little weird.

It was totally different from anything I’d ever seen. There was a dark, navy blue sort of “bodysuit”, that went from my ankles to my wrists, but for whatever reason stopped at my chest instead of going to my neck, showing off a bit of cleavage. I could see why Awarthril didn’t like the cut. The edges were rimmed with gold, which made a nice effect.

There was a second layer on top of that. A white, partially sheer half-cape wrapped around my neck, and went down to my elbows, all rimmed with gold again. I had something like a long shirt, made out of the same material, with long slits in it for easy walking, while the whole thing was cinched with a “belt” made out of the same material, ending with a diamond-shaped “buckle”.

The stuff was soft and wonderful, and it practically hugged me. The contrast to what I’d been wearing before helped with the magical, otherworldly feeling it gave. I walked experimentally around the pond, trying out how my clothes felt.

They were weird. I had no doubt there was some magic at work. On one hand, I felt clothed. I could feel the cloth against my skin, the fabric shift and move as I walked. I was obviously clothed.

On the other hand, I felt naked. The feedback was almost non-existent, and as I walked and moved, the split skirt, which should’ve hampered my movements somewhat, didn’t. The bodysuit part, which should’ve restricted my movements just a hair, instead allowed me a full range of flexibility. I tried all sorts of exercises to see if I could get the feeling or sensation of the clothes restricting me, or feeling taut against me. I stretched, bent, puffed my chest out, did a cartwheel - nothing.

I was brewing a headache trying to reconcile the two feelings together. Still, having gotten the hang of it, I put on some too-thin slippers - super cozy, and as easy to walk in as sandals. I grabbed the egg, re-warmed it, and walked back out.

If Awarthril had told me one of the two men was daintily eating his pterodactyl steak with a knife and fork, carefully taking small bites and savoring the flavor, and the other one had a spinning carousel of meat in front of him, only taking the choicest bites out of each one as it passed by his mouth, I would’ve pegged Serondes for dainty, and Aegion for savage.

Turns out, Serondes was a hair picky, and only wanted a few of the best bites from the food he’d cooked, waste and silverware be damned. Aegion, on the other hand, wanted to savor every last bite, no doubt in search of the perfect flavor to throw into his next poisoning attempt.

“Elaine! You look great!” Aegion cheerfully waved me over to the table, where I started to copy his manners.

“I knew you’d look good in that!” Serondes snapped his head forward, tearing out a chunk of prime rib.

A glowing smile lit my face up.

“Thanks!” I gracefully accepted the compliments, digging into the feast, asking a burning question.

“What does Mistcloth do? It seems somewhat magical.”

Serondes casually answered between bites. “It’s a low-tier magical cloth. When it comes to normal activities, it’s solid. When it comes to anything that can harm or rip it, it becomes insubstantial. Watch me!”

So saying, he shot a precise bolt of Lava at me. I had enough reflexes to start to dodge, but not entirely.

Good thing he wasn’t aiming for me, just for the part of my half-cape he could snipe. The Lava bolt reached it, and cleanly went through, the half-cape barely even fluttering.

I examined the path the shot took, seeing that my clothing was entirely untouched.

“This is good stuff!” I said, poking at the cape. It felt springy and real enough.

Hang on - if it couldn’t be damaged?

“How’d you tailor it?” I asked Aegion, who just got a smug look on his face.

“I’m just that good.

We exchanged some small talk, before Awarthril got down to business.

“I believe our talk about you coming along for a bit has been interrupted a few times now.” Awarthril opened up the conversation, then proved she was just as distractible as I was by darting over to Serondes.

“How many times have I told you? Honestly, wipe your face.” She said, grabbing a napkin and wiping the corner of his mouth, too fast for him to escape the physical classer’s speed.

Awarthril. Team mom.

“Right! You’d be a great fit for giving us a hand. You don’t even need to fight or anything, from the story you told us you’ve done more than enough of that. No, we just need a high level healer hanging around, maybe going around and helping ‘heal’ everyone. Don’t even need to heal anyone we come across if you don’t want to! The simple declaration should be enough to panic any Shimagu, and that’s what we need to flush them out. Otherwise, they’d just lie low when we pass through, and we’re frankly not strong enough to assault their cities. In exchange, we’ll help you get back to your home after doing this for a few…”

Awarthril trailed off, realizing something.

“How long do humans live anyways?” She asked me. “You’re not Immortal, we’d know about humans otherwise. But like, you live at least 500 years, right?”

“Wellllllllllllllll…. About that….” I prepared myself for an awkward conversation.

“Humans aren’t that long lived. Close to 70, 80 before vitality kicks in.” I explained to Aegion’s wincing. I left out the significantly lower lifespan from everyone poisoning themselves with mercury, lead, and other fun substances.

I figured that an entire thriving race of Immortals were probably the safest people to reveal my closely-held secret to, and get a gauge of their reaction. That, and I wanted to impress them somewhat.

“With that being said, I might be slightly Immortal.”



I'm not really understanding the behavior this arc... after all she's gone through she just decides to let down her guard completely and tell her secrets because the elves are good looking and nice? Thanks for the chapter though!


Maybe it turns out she's being charmed? Who knows. You're right, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense


let's see if she agrees to help them for a few years... years are not long for them, but still, for them to spend years with her it still means something... she did make a good impression

M van Dongen

TOLD You guys. They want to use her.


I can’t remember, bu what happened to Pretty? Did it merge with another skill?


I'm like slowly dying to actually know what's inside the egg, and what sort of things will happen when she finally comes back home, if she actually does


Everybody wants to know what's in the egg, I personally want to see what's happening in the human territories and what curse she will get for using the immortality skill.


somehow those elfs personalities dont really fit, let me quote: 1) Elves are cursed to be stubborn and aloof


Ironically, the elves might be the best possible people to tell about Elaine's immortality, because they'll probably just be like "oh yeah, I've heard healers say that they can get that kind of skill, but no one I know has ever bothered since they're already immortal". And as a bonus, they'll be more willing to spend time with Elaine and get to know and like her if they know she's not about to die in a mere century!


i belive it to be the opposite more immortals of another race, less space and ressources for us? nip the problem in the bud kill elaine

Matt R.

“Awarthril. Team mom.” Should read: “Awarthril. Team mommy.”


I wait for the elves reaction, they told her it was low-tier and that one of them recognise all high-tier and rare ones… they never had the chance to find legendary ones lol

Melting Sky

Why else would they bother inviting her to come along? It's pretty similar to what Artemis's ranger team did back in the day. Elaine is useful enough to be worth having around despite the fact she is kinda dead weight in combat compared to the super high-level elves. I'm not sure how that's a bad thing if it gets her a free escort out of a lethal high-level region.


This will either go splendidly or horribly, there can be no in-between. Also I really like how White Dove's curse for the Elves doesn't make them snooty and arrogant like I was fearing. The hubris is real clearly, as they don't even consider the possibility that their quarry might be a danger to them, but they aren't like instantly dismissive of any creature that isn't an elf or what have you.


You have enough clues to deduce what kind of egg it is!

Melting Sky

Meeting the elves really has been fun. Honestly, I think the biggest threat they pose isn't to Elaine herself, but rather her schedule. Shiny things are like crack for ADHD people, and these elves are like the shiniest things Elaine has run across in ages.


These have been some of the trickiest chapters to write, as I properly work in their personalities, along with flashes of arrogance like that. Seriously, I've spent twice as long on these chapters than other stuff, without the extra words to show for it!


I feel like the elves will learn her age and treat her like a child that needs to be protected.

Alexey Gladkich

For some reason I wasn't notified about the chapter and it wasn't sent to my email :/


I just had random idea that when elaine becomes cursed because of immortality, the worst curse for her would be not being able to taste food lmao


"Slightly immortal"

Alexey Gladkich

About Elaine's crushes with Elves. While Elves seem to have a strong effect on her - she got super horny with all of them... the feeling aren't quite reciprocal. They are nice and friendly, sure, but... Awarthril is simply very strongly in her character - protecting people - just like her class choices do. And she finds Elaine to be badly lost and need of help. She does care but in a different way. Aegion is simply being friendly and nice. It might look like courting to overly horny and inexperienced Elaine but that's just being friends. She'll eventually figure it out. Serondes, on the other hand, is straight up courting her. I guess he got totally smitten with her hard when she came flying with a bit of light show on those stunning butterfly wings.


Lol How long do they plan this trip to take, if they are apprehensions about her only living for 500 years? Also can i get a bit of clarification on human ageing on Pallos? If they live for 70-80 years before vitality kicks in, does that mean they age normally, and then have a hundred or so years after that as old people? or do they stay relatively in their pime until then and then start aging at that point? spending 100 years as a 70 year old sound AWFUL.

Alexey Gladkich

She meant that 70-80 years without counting in vitality. Vitality surely slows aging down. Ocean suggested that Elaine is going to be a Sentinel for 100-200 years.

Alexey Gladkich

On the conspiracy theories: Magic could've been Shimagu the whole time! [Sound]+[Mirage] are the perfect combination for a Shimagu that just wants to get by. They can pretend to be anyone and can properly talk even if they bodysnatch a dinosaur. Plus this would explain greatly why Magic was so damn paranoid. Perhaps, he even hosted a willing human. Wouldn't a slave accept hosting a Shimagu 8 hours a day for luxurious and relatively safe life that a lvl 512+ Shimagu could afford? Besides, living in Remus for a Shimagu would've been great - local populace knows nothings of parasites. Too bad for him that Elaine came about with her anti-illusion skills and medical knowledge. He might have had to escape the war because his host died to Formorians... this would've been too awkward talking to Night and other Sentinels while controlling a Formorian.


Yeah that is what i though too, but in this chapter she said that it was 70-80 years before vit kicked in. might just be weird wording.


It was pretty clearly stated that Shinagu did not have magic and they only buffed their hosts. physical stats. In fact their host lost their Regen and would eventually lose magic all together.


Yea age twenty one is like a fledgling or nestling for them, a little chick that needs guidance and an immortal one to boot! She is worth the effort! And a unique healer as well would draw more attention


Just you wait until they learn she is twenty one lol! Each chapter ends with a damn cliff selkie!!! You cant do that… first the stats and now the damn immortality…. Next one would be a cliff when she says she is twenty one and they just stand there shocked, maybe laughing at each other, teasing that one of them was urned on until he learned she was but a child or something… than another cliff hanger would be when the egg finally cracks and they are again shocked by a damn Phoenix or something else with legendary rarity

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


I think she just told them the human life expectancy she remembered from earth. Every human on Pallos has Vitality. Anyone who dies of old age should be at least level 180.

Jack Stiles

I thought that was forced by them to keep the host undercontrol? Willing ones could use magic?


I never really understood Elaine's dislike of adventurers. Sure, there was the pirate incident, but she has despised them for much longer than that. Is it just Artemis's teachings rubbing off on her? Perhaps her father complaining about rowdy adventurers after work? The guild clearly plays a very important part in Remus, handling a large part of the regular monster extermination. The Rangers are already stretched thin, only show up in town about once every two months and have a 50% mortality rate every round. I imagine that without the guild handling the small stuff like goblin exterminations and maybe even some bigger dinos, the Rangers would collapse. The city guard even hands slime killing in the sewers off to the guild and their escort missions probably go a long way towards making the roads safer and enabling trade. Even Ocean thinks they are great. And finally, they are one of the two organizations that allow women to escape the oppressive system that forces them into marriage and what is effectively slavery to their husbands (and fathers). The other one is a military organization that boasts a 50% attrition rate and is too dumb to utilize healers. I mean, sure, they tend to be undisciplined, rowdy and mercenary, but it always feels like Elaine is just unable to critically question her own prejudices here. Almost like a knee-jerk reaction of adventurers=bad.


Very good chappy, hype for moar as always. Keep it up and don't burn yourself out


I think you already got it right in your opening statement. She was basicially brought up to be prejudiced against adventurers. Add a heavy dose of immaturity and lack of critical thinking and you got a Elaine. And you cant forget her privileged background. She can live her life like she wants but forgets that she is immensly lucky, normally she would be slaved away like 99,9% of all the other women. Helps to look down on others.


True. And I still remember cringing when she complained to the guild leader that her adventurer escort didn't take on suicidal odds after she signed a waiver that adventurers don't have to take on suicidal odds. Protecting her from 30+ pirates would have been an A-rank quest for a bigger team. And she failed to communicate her own combat abilities and refused to group up again later. The sentinels gave her way too little shit about that. It would have been nice, if the guild leader had given her a well-deserved lecture instead of dismissing her. Oh well, maybe the elves will change her views a bit.

Alexey Gladkich

@Mat Shimagu can use magic while bodyjacking. Some are surely magicians. Host would be restricted from using magic - not Shimagu.

Alan McBrayer

Privileged? She wore hand me downs her entire early life. The adventurers guild seem to have very low standards for their members and I would guess that most of the classers that Rangers have to take down are former Adventurers. The one time that she relied on them they essentially sold her to some pirates. Her distrust of adventurers on an individual level seems perfectly reasonable to me.


Ok, ESSAY TIME! Elaine's upbringing has naturally lead her to be prejudiced against adventurers. HOWEVER! There's another aspect to it, which is that Remus has a functioning, working government. One of the key aspects to government is to provide security for its citizens. That's 90% of the point of government. So the government does the vast, VAST majority of the monster slaying and security, between the guards and the Rangers. Adventurers fill in some cracks, but for the most part, the big monster getting killed? Those are rangers doing it, not adventurers. So adventurers tend to get the low, LOW level stuff that the guards can't be bothered with. The farmer way over there is having a wolf problem, and the wolf is too high-level for several farms to handle, but too low-level for the Rangers, or is just plain smart enough to dodge Rangers, or the farmer needs it handled RIGHT NOW. Adventurers! Which doesn't give them a whole lot of prestige. "If they were sociable, they'd be in the guard" "If they were good, they'd be Rangers". Society has well-defined roles for people who'd like to do what the adventurers do, and by joining the adventurer's guild, they're rejecting that. So they're kinda outcasts, kinda at the bottom of the food chain. That's before the inevitable guard VS adventurer conflict. They don't like each other, and Elaine's the daughter of a guard, and spent quite a few years hanging out with them. She's firmly on "Team Guard."


@Cirvante What are you talking about? She hates them because they take ANY jobs, including kidnapping. Did you like completely forget an entire section of the story after she ran away from home? it was very traumatic for her and she has never really gotten over it.


Lol that is kinda weird to me. I would use the bare minimum of stat points to make sure all my cool magic stuff worked, then everything else would go to the stat that makes me live the longest.

Alexey Gladkich

@Mat dying of old age is the old Sentinel joke. Probably, like top tier achievement for next life - as nobody ever managed to do it.

Alexey Gladkich

@evyatar Elaine is 20 :P Besides, I don't think Elves ever seen Phoenixes - aside from the time of creation Night spoke about. Vermilion birds sure. But Phoenixes live on another continent. Considering how dangerous the ocean is, they might not have reached the northern continent even in the future timeline.


technically Elaine is not immortal but ammortal. can't die of old age.

Keith Rice

The stat that lets you live the longest is whatever your primary one is. People in town who have the luxury of picking and choosing and dying of old age max out (with the dead zone) around 100-200. People who are fighting for their lives and using their abilities to their absolute limits in dangerous situations to gain XP quickly can't just decide "it doesn't matter if my lightning bolt doesn't kill the dinosaur, I want to have more vitality." If you don't kill the dinosaur you're gonna live about 10 seconds and your high vit might buy you an extra 10 on that while it spends time gnawing your limbs off.

Keith Rice

@Selkie if you'd just called them "Mercenaries" from the outset instead of "Adventurers" literally no one would fail to understand this. Your mistake was to pick the term D&D uses rather than the term history used for them - which was 100% mercenaries (or gangsters/thugs/etc.). For anyone confused, just imagine that Elaine is saying "mercenary" every time - rabble who are looking to make money, will abandon their comrades because "they're not getting paid to die", have no problem taking shady contracts, and are often deserters from the army or criminals looking for a slight respectability upgrade on straight banditry. Some mercenaries were decent people, but by and large history shows that mercenaries were the worst solution to everything violent, and empires who relied on them quickly ran into issues.

Jet Kean

Or a human’s immortality curse is to never find home


@Cirvante If this is really irritating you and making enjoy these chapters less because of lacking knowledge I'd strongly advise you to reread. For this issue specifically the complete "Adventures in Virinum" arc. After Elaine ran away because she didn't want to marry the piece of shit who thought of her as nothing more than an object the dude hired adventures to drag her back home. These adventurers then kidnapped her in the middle of the street/town and also treated her like she was property of the noble. They didn't have an ounce of sympathy for her and when she wasn't willingly getting kidnapped by them but actively resisted them they treated her even worse. Now maybe not all adventurers are like that but that doesn't matter because Elaine only met them and another average group so it obviously shapes her opinion of them. Also the behaviour of that particular group says a lot about your statement that it's one the only organizations that allow women to be free. Seriously I understand it's been a lot of time but without knowing about an entire arc of the story and one the major incidents of her childhood it's no surprise you don't understand some her motivations and therefore enjoy recent chapters less.


Yeah, although she's probably more immortal than the elves what with surviving decapitation


@Keith - part of why I used "adventurers" and not "mercenaries" (I did think about it) is I wanted to challenge the "standard" notion of what they were and what they looked like


Well, when she hired that team to take her home, one of them was a woman and she was the highest ranked of the bunch (before she lost her arm). If I remember correctly, she was level 180, which is the entry level for Rangers. And that also seems to be the average level of guards like Elainus, so B-ranked adventurers are around that level. I'm guessing that A-ranks are around level 250. Probably not too many of those, but the guild leader was around level 330. So there have to be some stronger adventurers who take on more dangerous quests. Like getting rare monster eggs for rich people or something. Anyway, I digress. Correct me, if I'm wrong, Selkie, but based on what we've seen of Remus so far I'm guessing that women can't join the guard and can't join the army. That leaves the Rangers who have very high entry level requirements. And a very short life expectancy. So while the guild might be full of rabble, it still presents the best chance for young women to escape the system by providing a small income and a chance to get stronger. Are you familiar with 'Delve' by SenescentSoul? And if yes, how would your adventurer guild differ from his?


True, but that seems to be a technicality. [The Stars Never Fade] is clearly labeled as an immortality skill and I'm assuming that White Dove will come knocking as soon as she uses it.


I read delve yeah. It's been ages so I've mostly forgotten, but I'd say the issue is "primacy" - Who the first line is. Adventurers in Delve seem to be pretty high up there, one of the first people you go to for a problem. Remus, they're the last resort.


Fair enough, the aspect of 'awakened' and 'unawakened' in Delve also means that adventurers are superhumans in a world of regular people. But I was more referring to fact that the guild takes basically anyone, be it shady thugs and murderers, weak idiots who are just bumbling around or the consummate professionals. So the vast majority of the guild would be lower-tier trash or newbies and then there's some dedicated teams with a proper setup of tank/dps/support that manage to become stronger. Thanks to your clarification I understand the role of adventurers in Remus a bit better now, but you have to consider that with all the options for combatants (guard, army, rangers and guild), all the 'free spirits' who don't want to join a military organization will end up in the guild. And almost all of the women who want to nope out of the system as well. Also with how the world is teeming with monsters, the rangers being overworked and the guard being mostly tied up in and around the city, it would be unrealistic for there to be a shortage of quests. When you have a mercenary organization of expendable fighters around, why would you not use them? Why would you send your city guards against every goblin camp and lose valuable guardsmen when you can post an extermination quest at the guild instead? They'll kill the goblins, lose a few adventurers but what does the governour/guard captain care? And if there's a few A-ranks in town and there's an Abelisaurus huting to close to the city or farms and no ranger team around? Towards the end of the rounds there's only 50% of rangers remaining so someone has to carry thr weight. Sure, the odd Nothosaurus, sea monster, large goblin bands and high-level dinos get handled by the rangers, but they have to deal with classers as well. Look, even modern government and armies make heavy use of mercenaries like Blackwater. And mercenary organizations have been utilized by those in power throughout history. It's just cheaper and more convenient than training, equipping and paying more of your own soldiers. A country like Remus, with most of it's army tied up at the frontline desperately trying to stave off extinction, and with the wildernis infested with intelligent monsters and deadly dinosaurs would 100% make heavy use of a mercenary organization to solve as many problems as they can. You train, equip and pay enough guardsmen to police the city and protect the farms and food supply and use adventurers for the rest. They have to equip themselves, have to train and are expendable. And most importantly, when they die it costs you nothing. So for any dirty work that is beneath the rangers and could cost you guardsmen they should realistically be the first resort.

Alexey Gladkich

@Cirvante as far as I understood women are present in army, guards, and rangers. Rich women will prefer another woman for bodyguard rather than a man. There are some famous women rangers. Not sure about military though. I wouldn't be surprised if women in Adventurer Guild were also rare and probably not the best kind.

Alexey Gladkich

@KeithRice you should add that people living in town prefer to buff stats that best benefit their craftsmanship as will improve their income. Is it worthwhile living long if you are poor? Will you be able to afford a healer when sick or wounded? What about getting into debt and being sold into slavery? Quality of Life is a very important factor.


I'm pretty sure that the army and city guards don't take women. The general consensus seems to be that women should marry and pop out babies and leave the fighting to the men. I remember Elaine mentioning that the rangers were an exception from this, since they need new recruits so badly and will take anyone who can meet their standards. Maybe Selkie could clear that up though. Do the army and city guards accept women in their ranks?


Here’s my idea for Elaines curse. Mangos will forever taste like dirt.


Or they become intangible to her mouth. Ah, the cruelty.

Alexey Gladkich

@Cirvante I don't think the problem is whether they accept or not. The issue is that few are willing to train women as apprentice warriors, mages, healers and in crafts in general. This is the main roadblock. Once a person is lvl 150 or so in some combat class they are bound to find something. I don't think guards would mind.


Level 150 is also a pretty high entry level requirement. The guild has E-rank quests like slime or windweasel exterminations, so you can probably start at a much lower level. Let's say that a 14-year-old girl with a level 80 combat class wants to become a fighter instead of a housewife. The guild is pretty much her only option.

Alexey Gladkich

@Cirvante no, her only reliable option is getting into crime - robbery, theft, etc... much more profitable even if dangerous. How do you think Cassia got there? Probably, she simply didn't want to continue crime and chose a more legitimate option of adventurers.

Melting Sky

People tend to forget that adventurers are just mercenaries. It's not a particularly honorable job, period. On top of that, her father was a guard who hated said mercenaries for their drunken, law-breaking tendencies. So basically she has all the reason in the world to dislike adventurers and really no reason to think well of them. I mean, other than kidnapping her, torturing her, backstabbing her, pissing off her father over the course of her entire life, and getting in the way of her ranger duties, what have adventurers ever done for Elaine? Is she unfairly biased? A little bit. But it's not like that bias is particularly hard to understand.


She too much " talking" about her secrets


I mean, yeah but let's be honest- she has had a really bad year and the dwarves have been passive aggressive to overtly hostile and even at best treated her like an outsider. There's an emotional response to being with people who treat you kindly or one of their own after trauma like that, trying to stay on guard would be like nearly dying of thirst in a desert and stopping to boil your water when you come to a clear, pure stream. Near impossible.
