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The end of this month marks a full year of publishing Beneath the Dragoneye Moons, with minimal interruptions. It'll be 231 chapters in 365 days, and that doesn't include the side-stories, bonus content, or crossovers at all!

To celebrate, (and to ease my guilt over missing last week) there's a boatload of art incoming, most of it slated to hit around the end of the month. However, some of it is needed today! Meet Awarthril and Kiyaya!



william wallace

thanks for the art but dont feel guilty.


Cute! But why only chibi? I’ll pout! I really want a picture of her flying above the campfire while the three see her radiation radiance with the whole epicness of the purple moon behind her winds with the purple sky! Maybe, imagination will due for now…

Melting Sky

Cute (ɔ◔‿◔)ɔ ♥


I thought pupper was huge...

David Brims

And if you look close it comes up to her chest while seated, and she's really tall. ;-)


Thanks 🙏 for the great story and characters.