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After yesterday's discussion and poll, I've decided not to add a "Beta-lite" reward to the $15 tier. Sorry for the whole announcement about it, but given how people were feeling and all the discussion around it, I figured I'd formally announce the results. 


Michael Gordon

No reason to apologize. Interesting concept though. These problem is that 15$you could buy a decent book with. Would all the content you release on the 15$ a month be worth a decent paperback monthly? If it is, go for it. If not, well it's not worth lol


If you find yourself building up a backlog, you could always release for your top tier at your pace, while everybody else has a schedule. Puddles I think did that with LORG and now his $10 tier is now +200. Absolutely no reason to get a lower tier when the top tier is sooo far ahead and has a slightly faster release rate.

Alexey Gladkich

There is nothing wrong trying to figure out what to do with different patron tiers. Testing it out is far better than making sudden announcements about doing things that you are conflicted yourself. With the income you receive perhaps you could hire a professional editor with whom you could offload portion of your work so you could release more chapters and focus more on content rather than on fixing textual errors and wording issues as well as get some writing improvements. Or it could only be feasible once you get a few hundred more patrons - not that I know anything about it. About the 15$ subscribers - I am really uncertain what to add. Requests for side stories and addition of side characters could be a thing but you already do so. That's being said, the 10$ subscribers could be entitled to these bonuses as well. I am not sure if it is really worthwhile to differentiate patron groups based on $ tier - anything beyond the 5$ is primarily people that really like you and your work and just want to support you extra - not sure why you want to differentiate between 10$ and 15$.

Adam Daw



I get the complications when it comes to balancing subscriber tiers. My general thought process is based on the average price of a digital novel ($5-15), which means there's 3 main factors: Quantity, quality, & queue. For quality it's pretty simple, because if I don't like the content I won't back it. The community can also factor into this, since it's enjoyable to be able to discuss what I read with others and none of my IRL friends read like I do. Quantity is a matter of how quickly new content is released, and I like to feel I'm getting a significant chunk of content on par with a light novel. Queue is the gap between free and patreon content, and while most authors measure it in chapters I prefer to measure it in time. Overall, my personal preference is a 1-2 month queue and enough quanity for at least half a novel per $15 spent. The $15 tier you suggested would add about 3 weeks to the queue at potentially lower quality for $10 extra, which didn't really interest me. The kicker, however, is that it would trigger the FOMO response, which is part of annoys me when people have multiple tiers with the only difference being the queue. Hope my reasoning explains things without sounding accusatory. Love the story, and plan to keep backing until you finish it.


The hope isn't the draw people to the tier - it's to reward the people who do go far above and beyond the call of duty to support me. However, I recognize it could leave a bad taste in people's mouths - hence me checking with the community first!


I don't normally comment on these, I join the Patreon just to support novels I am reading and love finally going to print. As long as I am getting consistent releases and it being ahead of Royal Road I'm usually ok with it. However when people go up to a 10/15 a month subscription I feel like they are asking too much. Some of my favorite authors on the planet. Like L.E. Modesitt only charge 14.99 for a brand new release. So for me once the price point goes too much beyond $5.00 a month I'm out. It's simply not worth the price I'm paying. In my opinion.

Rui Lourenço

I think differentiating the $15 tier is not necessary. These are people going above and beyond because they love you and your work and can afford the expense. At the moment I can't justify it, but if I did I think the whole point would be that the extra dollars were entirely extra and serving as a donation. If anything, I would enjoy little surprises and gifts like the occasional artwork maybe a physical trinket once in a blue moon. Something that felt like a gratitude gift and did not turn my donation into a payment for a service. As someone that is *not* a 15 sub I know that the existence of these advance chapters would make me want to pay those 10 bucks. It might seem petty to vote no on an issue that wouldn't change my tier at all but it's not about others. Its simply the way it warps my brain to know that the answer to a cliffhanger is 10 dollars away. In either case, I love this story and I love supporting it and I hope to one day be able to give more than the bare minimum, no matter the rewards. I think giving to authors working to make this growing genre great, specially authors that give away their work for free, is 100% positive. Keep doing this great work and I think I speak for a majority of patreons when I say you're already doing more than enough!

Melting Sky

This poll was one of the most intense displays I've seen of "crab mentality" in human beings. I always understood that some people are just like that, but I never would have guessed it's the majority. Thank you for the poll. It has taught me an invaluable if depressing lesson on human nature.


I don't think "crab mentality" applies here. I think most level-headed people would have been fine with the change (including myself), but I think it would have ultimately harmed Selkie. Most of this is conjecture, so take it as my opinion: Initially revenue would increase as people increase their subscription due to FOMO, since they want to be able to discuss the newest content with others. This would split the community into 4 groups instead of 3 (RR, 5C, 20C, & Draft), which would reduce the perceived community size, especially in the 20C group. Those who join the Draft group due to FOMO are unlikely to read the official chapters, which means they would see a "drop" in quality. In the long run this could potentially mean people drop their subscriptions due to buyer's remorse, and the people in the 20C group *may* drop due to the reduced community. The fear of this happening is why I was not in favor of releasing draft chapters at a higher tier.


Speaking as a beta reader, we are able to do pretty much all the content editing already. The bonus would have been more a “see what’s coming” than “proofread my stuff.”

Alexey Gladkich

@Daedalus as I mentioned in another comment that's not "beta reader" in the classical sense. Maybe it is the norm for web novels IDK. Normally, beta readers are only expected to inform their opinion to the author - that's it. With sneak peek people will discuss it either way regardless it's asked or not.