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I'm thinking that once, maybe twice a month I'll be able to get a bonus chapter for everyone. I'm not promising I'll be able to always deliver, but when I can, when do you want it?


Alex C

Depends if there is a back log. I'd rather not have a bonus but have enough back log that if you're sick or on vacation there are still chapters.


Selkie... I think I speak for most Patreon payers in saying that the 2 priorities are quality in writing and consistency. I want to wake up and know I got an email that I can read on my way to work to cheer me up. On your side, you need to care for your sanity. As long as you got that... Getting extra stuff is cool too I guess!


I'd go with "wherever it feels reasonable, no need to put it on a particular day"


I'm thinking it might be best to save them up so when you release any interludes (that aren't in the 'current time' period) you release a normal chapter at the same time. I think you'll get less negative feedback then

Jack Stiles

Weekdays are shit. An extra chapter to look forward to is nice


I have a three week backlog. I experimented with an even bigger backlog, but then editing actually took so long it was starting to hurt. So I cut down on it


What Celsica said. If you have the time to spare I'm not going to mind if you use it either to fine tune what you are already working on... Or just take some personal time to recharge the batteries. That said, if you're absolutely sure you'd rather use that time sometimes for a bonus chappy anyway.. I mean who would say no?


I like weekends, I usually use Saturday to unwind so having an extra chapter to read would be fun. I do see the appeal of Tuesday but without Thursday as well I don't think I'd like the wonkyness


That's real kind of you, thankyou for that.


Thank you


Keep your chapters for vacation days. Make sure you take them! I love the story and don't want you to burn yourself out.


Make it a surprise. I know it's not your intention but this way I'll probably be disappointed if there's no chapter. If you make it a surprise I'll always be happy about it. Would also be more flexible for you.


I agree, I actually prefer to be surprised by it. So whenever you happen to have an extra chapter available I will always be happy about it, no matter when. When you set it to a specific day, it is possible that people will look for an bonus chapter and be disappointed when it is not there, but if there is no specific day, it will always be a happy surprise. :)