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The apprentices looked at each other nervously. Herodotos swallowed, paled, steeled himself, then said. “There was a runner. You should go see for yourself.”

Artemis tensed, coiled up like a spring ready to fire. Not one of those small little springs that used to be in pens. No, she was one of those heavy-duty large springs, that once it went off, you knew it would ruin someone’s day.

My hair raised up around me, and chunks of stone from the wall separated out, going to Artemis’s hands, where she held a double handful of them.

Lead.” She ordered. This wasn’t one of her nice orders, her “I’m telling you something nicely but expect you to follow anyways in spite of my flippant tone.” This was her serious face, ‘Do what I say right now or suffer the consequences.’, the tone promising those consequences would be lethal. Herodotos nervously led us down a hall, around a corner, to where a number of guards were milling around a pair of bodies.

“They said they found them here.” He said, before wisely bailing.

Artemis pushed me behind her, and we went forward, guards parting. I peeked around her to find Origen and a teenager – probably the one he was bringing to us – on the floor.

I rushed over.

“No. No no no no.” I said, trying to deny what I was seeing, putting my hands on him, trying to pump healing mana through him.

“Everyone back.” Artemis barked out, hair getting even higher. The guards decided staying near the clearly pissed, hair-trigger mage was a poor life choice, and that bailing was the better part of valor, leaving us alone.

Nothing. He was gone. Massive sores covered him, and he was lying in a pool of blood, like so many other victims of the plague. How could the plague take him so fast? He was healed regularly, last time less than 30 minutes ago, even with the break I’d taken.

Artemis put a hand on my shoulder.

“Elaine, grieve later. We need to leave, now.”

I shook my head, mutely denying. Artemis picked me up.

“Elaine, until proven otherwise, a dead Ranger is assumed to be murdered. We need to get to the wagon, and notify everyone else. Until we’re together, we’re under attack. Now move!” Artemis yelled the last part at me.

I’d never seen her so scared. I’d never seen her so scary.

I moved, started running down the halls, to the back door where we were parked. Artemis thundering behind me, static electricity charging the air.

We weren’t in a terribly populated part of the temple, and people got out of the way. A door started to creak open as I was running past it, and Artemis sent a rock, followed by a bolt of lightning through it. I hesitated, and peeked in the door as I slowed my run. Those injuries were incompatible with life.

“Keep moving.” Artemis said, tone chilly.

I picked up the pace, back to a full run, as fast as I could in the temple hallways.

If there was no time to heal, no gap between “Fully alive” and “Dead”, [Oath] didn’t say a word. It only acted upon things I could act upon.

We made it out to the alleyway where the Argo was, and instead of running inside, Artemis ordered me. “Up, on top of the wagon. Cover my back.”

I did exactly what she said, scrambling up on top of it. A single lightning bolt pierced the clear blue sky, shattered the deceptive calm.

Her ‘emergency right now’ signal. Only used in a fight, or the death of a Ranger. ‘Drop everything and come here as fast as you can.’

Artemis put a hand on the side of the Argo, and I could see it glowing as she pulled mana from it.

The door to the temple got closed over with stone, the back of the alley sealed, and a series of stone spikes, pointing forward at a 45 degree angle, pointing forward. Protection on all sides.

She climbed up onto the Argowith significantly more grace and finesse than I’d managed, then looked around, head on a swivel.

A guard started to approach.

“Excuse me, we can’t have-“ He started to say, only for a rock from Artemis whizzing to his feet and exploding in shards to cut him off. He winced in pain, but deciding that there was no reasoning with Artemis, backed off.

Lesson was clear. When Artemis was mad, when she was in this state – stay away. Stay far away. I couldn’t decided if I was blessed to be under her aegis, or strapped to an out-of-control rocket.

We spent a tense few minutes, until we heard Julius call out.

“Artemis, we’re all here. We’re going to come around the corner now, ok?” He said.

“Prove it. Badge and ID code.” Artemis yelled back. Artemis never asked for ID codes.

There was some muttering, then a hand slowly – oh so slowly – came around the corner, holding four Ranger’s badges. Julius rattled off a seemingly random set of words, and Artemis relaxed a hair.

“Come over, fast.” She said.

Julius and co turned the corner, only for their eyebrows to almost uniformly fly off their face. They looked some more, and their gaze turned steely.

“Origen?” Arthur asked, blinking away a tear.

“Dead.” Artemis said.

“Right, everyone into the Argo.” Julius ordered.

I hopped down, entering the wagon, as everyone else filed in. I felt a rumbling right before Artemis came in, which I assumed was her sealing off the alley’s entrance, providing us a miniature fort in the heart of town.

“Origen’s dead. Looks like the plague.” Artemis said, without any preamble. “Patient he was bringing to us was found next to him, also dead of the plague.”

“Plagues don’t work that fast!” I cried out in frustration.

“They clearly do.” Maximus said derisively, practically sneering at me. “You say plagues don’t spread by eye contact. This one is. You say plagues don’t work that fast. We have a dead Ranger proving otherwise. You’ve been wrong about this, and so many other things, why should we keep listening to you?”

I half-screamed in frustration.

“It’s like the plague uses fucking magic, which it can’t because shit that small doesn’t get classes!”

There was dead silence at that. You could hear a pin drop as everyone went still, my screaming voice echoing through the Argo in a strange way.

Almost as one, we said the same thing, at the same time.


“Elaine’s insistence that plagues didn’t spread by eye contact should’ve been a clue.” Artemis said. “She knows diseases better than any of us, and the [Plague Healer] was sure it was spread by eye contact. We should’ve listened to both, and realized it earlier.”

“Everyone’s been commenting on the leveling rate.” Maximus said. “They’ve been saying it’s faster, stronger, better experience than any other plague they’ve worked. It makes sense if they’re opposing a classer, not opposing a run of the mill plague.”

“The mass-heal event.” Kallisto contributed. “It showing up outside of the town? Classer didn’t want to get caught, didn’t want a tried-and-true method to reveal him. Must’ve deliberately sabotaged it.”

“The head of the guard being one of the first to fall to the plague.” I said, seeing the whole puzzle come together. “It was a targeted snipe, like Origen was. They didn’t want the guard organized and looking for them, they needed confusion and a lack of a strong response. The guard’s been too busy on standard protection and patrol, they don’t have the people that usually notice the patterns around.” My knowledge of how guards worked came in handy. How did I not see this earlier!?

Julius closed his eyes in grief, in regret. “I think it’s one of the healers. When we came down hard on Berucus, we mentioned that we were watching them, and we’d find out wrongdoing. We must’ve spooked him into acting, into targeting us directly for kills. Can’t have the Rangers looking too closely, like the guard would’ve. That, and Elaine solving one of the plagues in her first week here. He, or she, knew it would only be a matter of time before we figured it out. Origen was on his own, easiest one to pick off. If it wasn’t for Elaine’s knowledge, we’d just think he was just another victim of the plague. Just like the guards thought the head of the guard dying was just another victim.”

Arthur grunted. “Killing off an entire town is amazing experience.” We glared at him, a fresh reminder of his callous suggestion to poison half of Virinum refreshed in our minds. He held up his hands. “There are other possible reasons. I agree he’s probably with the healers though. When hunting like this, you want to see the response, be able to react to it. The best place for the hunted to hide, is with the hunters.”

“Real fast.” Julius said. “Let’s go down the list of possible people, and the why. Then we’re sealing the temple, and interrogating everyone inside. This Classer’s willing to murder in broad daylight, in the middle of a healing temple, they’re not going to immediately run. They’re going to try and blend in, like they’ve been blending in all this time. First off, who benefits?” He asked.

“Verta.” Artemis immediately said. I glared a betrayed look at her. She glared back. “Her, and the other maligned healers in this town, finally have respect. They finally have people looking up to her, up to them. She has a chance to reach 256, a milestone she’d likely never get in her entire life. Elaine, don’t give me that look. 10, 15, 20 more years in your shoes, if you were stuck in town, forced to marry Kerberos? I’d put you at the head of a rebellion, and more than one has started for similar reasons.”

I froze. There was no way Artemis could know about me being offered a [Revolutionary] class, but clearly Artemis knew me.

“Markus.” Kallisto said. “Has a bunch of apprentices, they’re expensive to feed, hard to get enough experience for all of them, hard to get each one of them the hands-on experience they need. One plague, all of them are high enough level to strike off on their own, rich and famous. He’s been spreading his apprentices all over, in theory to learn from other healers. Possibly to spy on them as well? It’d be a perfect information network.”

“Caecilius.” Maximus said. “He’s all about plagues, and at almost level 300, he must be slowing down. Perhaps he’s making a plague to fix, since he might not have work otherwise. He mentioned that his second class might be mage, and might relate to healing. Causing a plague is completely related to healing, in a twisted way.”

“Might be his apprentice.” I mentioned. Maximus tilted his head to me, acknowledging my contribution, half-apologizing for earlier.

I was still kinda mad at him, and wanted a real apology, but I knew it wasn’t the time or place.

“Hesoid.” Arthur suggested. “Not even a healer, might be the cause. Ex-slave, might be out for revenge. Has the leveling pace you’d expect from someone killing a lot of people. Not even a healer.” There was some head nodding at that.

“Ponticus?” I suggested timidly. “His sense of right and wrong are, um, non-standard, and he’s been shown to make poor decisions.”

Julius shuddered. “He’s a Gemstone Artisan, and while I doubt he has enough gems for a sustained plague like this, it’s theoretically possible. I think. Maximus?” He asked, turning to him.

Maximus hummed, fingers twitching as he did some arcane calculations known only to himself.

“That would be an insane number of gems.” He finally settled on. “He can barely afford a proper tunic. Maybe if he spent everything on gems… but he’s so young. The problem with Hesoid being the source, is Decay doesn’t have plagues in its domain. Although Decay is extremely rare, I’ve never met one before.” He conceded in the end.

“Bacteria is the source of a lot of decay, I don’t see why it couldn’t expand slightly to include a plague.” I pointed out. Maximus shrugged at me.

“Glacia’s been lying to us, and everyone from the start.” Julius said. “She – or he – has a demonstrated wide-area effect, large enough to cover the entire town. I don’t know what motive he, or she, could have, but with the amount of lying done, and demonstrated skills and abilities, she’s worth looking into.”

There were nods of agreement, and I found myself reluctantly nodding along.

“Do we need to take a second look at Berucus?” Artemis asked. “Seemed pretty mad that we caught onto his scam, and maybe he was infecting people and releasing them, as the source. Easy to disguise seeding the disease as ‘failing to properly heal someone’ – even we thought he was just scamming people for money. Gives the motive as well, he’s one of the healers that’s become incredibly rich as a result.”

Julius sucked some air in through his teeth. “Sure, although I was convinced he was just scamming for more money. Worth a second look, people have been known to pull wool over my eyes before. Also, after the penalty inflicted, no longer incredibly rich.”

“Right, everyone gear up. Full armor, weapons, helmets. Artemis, Elaine, top yourselves up to max from the Argo. Someone acts twitchy, kill them. This Classer’s killed thousands, if not tens of thousands of people, and has shown a willingness to attack Rangers. Don’t give Elaine a chance to heal them, don’t make her choose. We’re already coming down hard on the healers, and we could spark a riot if we do this poorly.”

“We could spark a riot anyways boss.” Kalliso said, sliding on his laminar vest.

“That we could. Artemis, only open up the side door. I want this place like a fortress. Gives us a safe spot to retreat to.”

A few minutes later, and we were geared to the nines. Helmet, spear, sword, shield – I have everything except a spade with me.

The capes were left behind. This wasn’t intimidation, or looking good.

This was serious.

[Name: Elaine]

[Race: Human]

[Age: 15]

[Mana: 9740/9740]

[Mana Regen: 14491]


[Free Stats: 30]

[Strength: 37]

[Dexterity: 129]

[Vitality: 90]

[Speed: 130]

[Mana: 974]

[Mana   Regeneration: 1695]

[Magic Power: 869]

[Magic Control: 1445]

[Class 1: [Constellation of the Healer -   Celestial: Lv 162]]

[Celestial Affinity: 162]

[Warmth of the Sun: 126]

[Medicine:   153]

[Center of the Galaxy: 128]

[Phases of the Moon: 154]

[Moonlight: 1]

[Veil of the Aurora: 111]

[Vastness of the Stars: 128]

[Class 2: [Pyromancer - Fire: Lv 39]]

[Fire   Affinity: 39]

[Fire Resistance: 39]

[Fire Conjuration: 39]

[Fire Manipulation: 39]

[Fuel for the Fire: 34]

[: ]

[: ]

[: ]

[Class 3: Locked]

General Skills

[Identify:   81]

[Recollection of a Distant Life: 80]

[Pretty: 101]

[Vigilant: 110]

[Oath of Elaine to Lyra: 139]

[Ranger's Lore: 67]

[Running: 74]

[Learning: 122]



Shame about Origen, but good to see you back. Hope everything is going well with the little one


I always thought that the "vomiting plague" was some one poisoning the water taking advantage to level up and the other plague was natural, this last chapters really throw me for a loop


Honestly I thought it would be the coins that were improperly conjured. Some sort of magic radiation sickness. The more you get, the sicker you get. But causing a plague to get experience is devious too.


Shits heating up now


Origen...how could you :(


Noooo... a ranger dead :( Don't blame this one on yourself though Elaine. Looking forward to the next chapter - the entirety of that one was a cliff hanger.


Considering how the efficacy of the plague have gone up a lot afther she got there, it's very likely that Marcus or one of his apprentices are involved. They learn about bacteria and that alow there plage to get atronger. The counter argument to this is the guards. They show that the mage could always kill but did not want to most likely because an slow burn plague gave more expiriance. Her to it point towards Marcus. Heal those that won't die and get kill xp from the rest. Everything acordung to his stated priorities. The bigest problem with it being him is that it's to obvious. More things that point to him is his interest in the map.


Please tell me they are smart enough to wear gauze over their eyes. They already theorized it is spread by sight. It is magic. Doing of a classer. Please tell me they are not going to be stupid for the sake of the story.


Magic plague. That sounds terrifying

Mr. Bigglesworth

I was waiting for them to just cleanse the town for experience while Elaine was sleeping, so she could heal them and poof no more plague. Instead you have to murder the nice quite Ranger who just Classed up and apparently can't even defend himself, give a warning shot, or really be useful at all. Bah.

Alex Matheny

I am glad you released some chapters. I am upset it is a cliff hanger without a concrete fix.

Kevin Caffrey

Hard to fight when you can’t see much. Luckily I imagine Elaine could outheal it. She was able to out heal Arthur’s poisons and he wayyyy out levels her.

Thaabit Rivertree

They haven't talked at all about what they are going to do about it though, why are they leaving the argo? Let's name all of our suspects! Ok go go go! What?? How about making some sort of plan first instead of charging in to do..... Well without a plan at all apparently.


I think Hesoid is the most suspicious one. He got his decay mage class "a little over a year ago", presumably at level 128. The plague started shortly after that. Since then he has gotten over 100 levels to reach lvl 235-245. Although it isn't too strange for a healer to get a lot of levels during a plague, it is strange that a decay mage with mediocre healing is leveling faster than most of the actual healers. Edit: I just realized that Hesoid classed up in the last week. This explains why the plague got so much stronger recently. Assuming it was his main class that classed up, he was 11-21 levels away from classing up at the start of the week, a rate that might even surpass Elaine's unusually fast leveling speed. This is practically a smoking gun, there's no way he should be able to level at this pace just by healing people.


Well to be honest that Death came out of the blue. And I dont know shouldnt it have been obvious that somebody caused it. Espacially after it got stronger? Meh dont like how that someone died so casually offscreen.


Surely she could of restarted his heart and continously healed him.would of been interesting to see


I am on the other hand glad there are these out of blue deaths, cause ambushes are a thing and it adds to realism/believability (in this particular case it is kind of strange that someone was able to kill a ranger without any ruckus, but it is nothing that can't be explain later.) In my opinion in a story about one MC, you should be absolutely certain about survival of only the MC. It makes the story better.


Good point, I should make that clear. Go in, interrogate everyone, find and kill the classer


I don’t want to go too in depth, but I will say that Origen went down swinging. There was no time for that analysis, since Artemis called - correctly - that they were under attack, and needed to get to safety and regroup


When writing my Magic’s system, one of my rules is “dead means dead.” (Barring undead shenanigans which I’m still on the fence about.) we’ve already seen that souls are a thing, and when the souls gone, nobody’s home even if you perfectly reconstructed the body. Think drogo? From game of thrones, who was “revived”


Most people with even remedial medical training would attempt to recusitate someone. Especially if its someone they cared about. Fairly sure she could of recusitated him with a little help from misses defibrillator. Still be brain dead though


I should clarify just think it would be interesting to see and how the other people would react


I agree with Exile, deaths like this make the story much more exciting.


I agree - but Elaine did try to bring him back! Instead of CPR, her healing skills are much stronger, and it'd be fairly out-of-character for her to 'forget' her healing skill in the heat of the moment and try CPR, instead of something that works much better. [Phases] is capable of doing light CPR, and can restart a heart, under the right conditions. The heart stopping isn't instant-death, the soul lingers a brief moment, tethered to the body, before leaving. I will say, hypothermia is going to throw me one hell of a wrench one day.


What are you saying? I would never do something like this. (At least, I wouldn't be stupid enough to let myself caught, by being greedy.)


Typically the time frame to start CPR and have it be effective is fairly brief after the heart stops. Around 5min is you window and after that the risk of irreversible brain damage goes up very quickly. I guess she could fix the brain damage to some extent by growing new brain tissue but they'd probably experience some memory loss anyways. After all if the old brain tissue is dead regrowing new tissues won't bring the memories back. We don't know how long the guy had been laying there but it could've easily been more than 5 min.


Even if Elaine is likely to survive, it’s entirely possible to get badly injured, even in a way she can’t cure. For example, the team has a big hole against curses


Fire magic hypothermia


Something not being mentioned is that he didn’t die from the disease taking effect. He was targeted by magic and didn’t react in time. He probably went into past cpr mode with the last pulse of the killers spell. Someone going after a Ranger sure as hell isn’t gonna leave the disease to kill him naturally.


The plague also got stronger after he learned about bacteria from Elaine. I think you’re right here.


It may be both. Starting a plague would be a great distraction before adding your own. It would look like a natural progression and we saw how trained healers argues on 1 vs 2.