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Hey all! There are enough high-tier patrons to do a solicitation for this week's bonus content - you can make requests on what people will vote on, or if there's only one or two suggestions, I'll just pick one!

A shortlist of ideas:

1) Full character sheets of party members
2) Short stories
3) Worldbuilding (Beastery, gods, religion, etc.)

Cheers, and thanks for supporting me above and beyond!



mmmm idea here we've seen two powerful beasts so far and another one on the way as I assume the MC will get something. What about something like this. The idea is you have a class somewhere in a academy or school and maybe it is the focus of the class or something but the teacher is going over noteworthy Beasts like I'm talking ones that stand out from the rest either cause their the most powerful of their kind(and get named) or their just that rare. you have the teacher tell facts and stories of some of them and students asking questions. this could also help give readers a feel for when the MC gets her companion also, note I'm talking stuff like a famous dragon or extremely rare wolf the exciting beasts that songs get written about.


I don't think. I've seen one yet, but it would be cool if there was a map of the world we know so far to follow along in their journey.


Missed it i did