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A friendly reminder that we have zero tolerance for spoilers. We do not want to debate about what is and isn't considered a spoiler. We have clear guidelines and we expect compliance. Violations of these guidelines may lead to removal from the Patreon without notice. Review rules here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/58466633

If you're ever unsure, it's better to just be safe and not risk running the experience for us and everyone here.

Unfortunately, Patreon doesn't have moderation tools so if you see any spoilers in the comments, promptly reach out through Discord or Patreon DMs to warn us with the episode number.

We're also looking to expand our moderation team for YouTube. We understand a majority of you are mostly active on Patreon for the content but if you occasionally check on our YouTube channel as well, your assistance in moderation would be highly appreciated! Please DM if you're interested in helping out :)

Thanks everyone!


Cameron B

Some people can't help themselves. Hope nothing significant got spoiled for you guys

Anthony Rueda

Ppl just be ruining everything for no reason and it’s just sad tbh, I hope you guys didn’t get spoiled on something big and I would be down to be a mod and help out!


It's sad when anime reactors can't read their own channel comments because of spoilers. The Youtuber Baxta just posted a video a few days ago having a meltdown because of people spoiling in comments thinking they're being smart. Hope people can have common sense at least on Patreon


This is good I'm glad you're being strict about these things


Bro, you're paying a membership just to give spoilers, that's sad.


No we didn't get spoiled. Luckily some people messaged us about some spoilers on the page before we had the chance to review everything but we wanted to put another reminder in case people just aren't aware..? Just annoying that we have to now go through extra filtering since we love interacting with everyone here..


Patreon has always been really good! I guess recently more influx of people are here for One Piece which means some bad eggs amongst us.. Thankfully our community has been super helpful in terms of warning us about the few. Just annoying to have to go through extra filtering now as a precautionary measure :(


Some people are uncontrollable these days. Also stop giving hints if JD theories are correct or not, no need to confirm also. Let them enjoy watching.

Cindy Baker

It’s a shame patreon doesn’t allow mods.

RK Gaming

Always been on YOUTUBE and also staying here! I wish patreon allowed mods for spoilers :/


Thats annoying. I know it shouldn't be done or it'll be more work on you guys but maybe a disclaimer at the beginning of the videos just to remind dumb dumbs from saying anything spoilery. Of course it won't help against actual trolls doing it on purpose but yeah.. a lot of the time people don't use their brains...


ICYMI: We added spoiler channels for One Piece anime and manga in our discord! If you would like to have spoilery discussions regarding the show or our reactions with other members, I would suggest having discussions on there instead. Link is in our pinned post!


I had 5 things spoiled for me in the JJK manga so now I’m most likely going to read the manga because it’s so far away and they were big spoilers to so it really made me upset and now I feel like the experience is ruined for me because I wanted to only watch the anime but now probably going to have to read the manga cause I know stuff now :(


I know that feeling bro, the same thing happend to me with "One Piece" I started to read the manga due to being spoiled regarding 2 things that happend in there but i also watched the anime which gave me a taste of both experiences which is still do to this day In that way i can't get spoiled anymore and also still enjoy both of these experiences

over watch

i really like that hard approach. pls just ban everbody instantly that types spoilers. i big reason why i for example watch is to see you guys be surprised and experiencing the show the same way i did. if you get spoiled it ruins it for some of us as well :c