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Hi, there's been a lot of new faces here and just wanted to kindly remind everyone to review the rules before commenting: https://www.patreon.com/posts/58466633 Not here to debate what is considered a spoiler as it's subjective but please be at least aware of what we think regarding the matter. We understand things slip sometimes but we're going to be more strict moving forward. 

We're curious to know what you think about our posting format: Currently we are doing one episode daily but seems like people sometimes prefer more episodes with gap days in between. We've been doing our best to post doubles when it's a hyped episode but sometimes might not be doable tbh. Lump episodes would probably resolve this but then there might be a slightly longer wait if the episode is a a cliffhanger. Which format would you prefer?

If you prefer lump episodes with gap days, do you like the episodes as separate videos or merged episodes? Merged episodes might mean less discussion though because we wouldn't spend as much time with each individual episode.. 🤔

Anyways no promises of changes but just wanted to hear what your thoughts are?


Han Tun Lin

Current format is the best XD


1 episode per day is fine. Releases right around my lunch time in my time zone plus it allows for more discussion about the episode


i'm here for your reactions but mostly the discussion is what makes your channel different from others


I think the best yeah its now 1 video per day,and wish we got bonus (2 per day/hype)~^