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One piece is out there

First! It's implied the Cora has the same heart and kindness as his father. That is why Doffy knew Cora would not shoot Doffy.

Matt Brock

It's crazy how kind and loving Cora is compared to his piece of shit brother. You can really see why Law named his crew after him.


Cora saying "I love you" gets me everytime.


When is bro gonna cry, I'm still waiting


Its implied Doflamingo did love his mother and most of his evil comes from the unfair suffering he endured as a child, which Trebol exploited as you see in this flashback, which sort of shows him as the big bad of this arc. Doesn’t take away how evil he is currently, but theres definitely a lot to his character.

Zhaohan Wang

That was so good, especially when you see Law was trying to keep his crying voice and when he heard himself cry he cried louder because he know Corazon died at that moment.

Matt V

Goodbye corazon 😫


Jackie being sad: 😁😆😄 Devi being sad: 😢🥹😭


One Piece back stories are always so good!


Damn. Every time. Corazon is such a badass.


I cried more at Cora-san’s death than Ace’s even tho we all knew he’s gonna die. I’m in shambles again for the 30th time.

Chen-yu Mau

Masterful Storytelling


i'm bowling 🎳

Jn Whalien

Well guess what? We will be with Doflamingo in more eps, so let's see what will be your final emotions say about him 😂 Btw, if we will compare Doflamingo in terms of behavior, he is more a psychopath than sociopath. He's more manipulative and charismatic (can be use for manipulation) and he handles himself well. Sociopaths are more erratic. And we witnessed that Doflamingo planned way ahead. He can plan a great crime and won't get caught easily. 😂


Another day another peak episode


RIP corazon, your silence was the loudest voice in the room and we will remember your smile always. 🔇 ❤️ I also don’t think Doflamingo was born pure evil even if he is now, i think he had a chance to change (especially when his father spoke of richness of heart before they went shopping for apples) but he was just pushed in the wrong direction too many times.

Madao San

if doofy is not a psycopath we need to find an other definition for the this world in psychology. i can understand that ou like dofy as a vilain.. me too. but i think that even if he had a better life he would be the same sicko. And even in real people like him exist and look at Cora san he lived the same tragedy but the result is totaly different.


Oda was cooking as always, what a backstory!


I'm sure it's never gonna happen. He cold blooded :o


20:25 Awesome point!


Yeah with Doffy nurture isn't the issue. His nature is just pure sociopathic evil, since birth.


I think Corazon saw how Doflamingo wasn't born evil but driven down an evil path. Law is in a way, Doflamingo from the past. Back then Corazon was powerless to help his brother and save him from evil. Corazon saw it as his opportunity to save his "brother." Instead of letting the evil in this world create more evil he took it upon himself to save the light that still existed in Law. Corazon kept beating up the kids who joined Doflamingo to try and stop the spread of evil. Corazon is amazing!


I think Doffy does care. He was clearly conflicted about shooting his father and Corazón. It’s telling that Corazón was literally missing from Doffy’s life for years and years and Doffy still accepted him back into his family.

Madao San

yes and sociopath and pshycopath have different meaning.. "Sociopaths have a conscience, albeit a weak one, and will often justify something they know to be wrong. By contrast, psychopaths will believe that their actions are justified and feel no remorse for any harm done" (def google). . But you certainly can't justify his actions with the tragedy of his childhood... like you said there is a problem from birth. don't need to try to find and answer to why he become who he is. you can't find an answer to that. He killed his father, his brother he LOVES to tortures others people and animals. my favorite vilain is certainly Teach. he is the best


oh wait that hurts more knowing


You wanted backstory.... be careful what you wish for!! So good.


Jeez Devi ascended to another tier of bowling out. Amazing reaction guys! Be ready for more backstories in the future. We are waiting for you nakamas!


Jackie doesn't cry so Devi gotta cry twice as much to make up for it.


This is like Merry level crying, you've been crying for 4 episodes in a row now for Corazón. 😅

Brick Man

New here , why is it straw hats pirates 😂


the way corazon died and law cries was heard but then simultaneously the loud sound of the cannon drowns the cry of law so that donflamingo coudnt hear law was such a brilliant scene. damn ODA 👏👏👏.

Immortal Art

i have corazon action figure .. Great character

Stern Cawthray

he is a product of his environment with trauma

Stern Cawthray

trebol played no part ecept giving doffy a home and safety

Stern Cawthray

Also I’m not justifying doffy actions he is a horrible man and there was another path just like corazon he could have chosen but fate works in weird ways I just wanted to point out the importance of looking at the facts of doffy past from childhood to adult hood

Stern Cawthray

Also every time I think of corzazon I cry because when I really think about it doffy was the brother he could never save but he could save law


we change up the names of all shows cause last year we had a copyright incident where someone as scrapping everyone's patreon by the anime titles and flagging everything 😢 many reaction creators almost completely lost their youtube and patreon


the reason why i say sociopath is because he was never given a chance at a normal life. if he had that experience and still had this outcome then i agree he's a psychopath. however given the system that's in place in marie jois, i think most celestial dragons are raised to think and behave like this so its hard to say! he could be born evil but we personally like to believe that everyone is inherently good! :) we obvs love doffy as a villain but we're not trying to make excuses for his actions; just trying to analyze his character and background


ya i could see both arguments! i said sociopath cause i dont rly think he was born evil.. but obviously not a professional. i wish a psychiatrist could analyze his character and give a proper diagnosis 😂

Meliodas Sama

This is the best backstory in all of one piece 🤍🤍😁👊


Law/Corazon/Doflamingo, just insane writing here. Idk how this was pulled off to such perfection. Law's screaming becoming audible is the signal of Corazon's death... Like wtf.