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Another little moment. Thanks for everyone who's sticking around into the next month! I know it's been pretty much a whole month of rough animation. Sorry about that, there should be a couple more rough posts or so and then I can finally start doing a clean pass on everything, which usually goes faster since all the acting is figured out. Then rendering and I'll also be doing a sound pass as well.




Hey, take your time, Man! I know it'll turn our perfect! They always do!


I don't mind the rough animations. I understand that this is not something that's slapped together in an afternoon, and I like to get these small previews while I wait.


Same! Good stuff always takes time. 😊


Don't be so hard on yourself. You are making something awesome and keeping us updated. Absolutely nothing wrong with that. Plus, the stuff you are showing is just amazing.


Haha thanks, I just don't wanna drag it on too long either. I appreciate the patience!


Love the way she twists around to look... seems so real and lifelike.