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23/8/20 update: an issue where a midi/velocity parameter change made inside one instance affected all instances of SoT within the same project, has been now fixed.


here's a midi sequencer device for Ableton Live I made inspired by Takuma Matsui's steps device.

what differentiates mine from Takuma's is the difference in method of sequence triggering (Takuma's device is internally sequenced + synced with the DAW, whereas mine is externally sequenced (using devices such as arpeggiator)) + its ability to sequence midi notes/velocity.

Above is a video explaining its basic functions, and here's the download link to the 8-step version.

The 16-step version + additional presets will be available for the $5+ tiers

have fun experimenting!


sequence on trigger - how to use it

inspired by Takuma Matsui's steps device, (https://babumamusic.gumroad.com/l/steps_mod) here's my version of a midi triggered sequencer.


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