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here's a little tutorial/tip on how I like to use google magenta's DDSP-vst plugin! 

and here are a few audio examples!

there are some other similar plugins using AI to transform sound like this Neutone plugin by Qosmo but for saxophone models I personally think the Magenta plugin still does a lot better in terms of sound quality

anyways hope you all try it out yourself, not exactly the perfect sax sound but definitely very interesting! 


indie experimental brass with DDSP

download google magenta's DDSP-vst from here https://magenta.tensorflow.org/ddsp-vst


Chris Dunn

Okay wow thanks for givin me something to do tonight

Casper Nilsson

This is Perfect for emphasising phrases within samples aswell! I made this mishmash string sample using granular synthesis and portal witch contained beautiful phrases that just didnt cut through enough.