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These are some Ableton key presets with an analog feel that are inspired by the works of artists like blankfor.ms, tourist, duskus etc.

Sampled from my trusty Pittsburgh modular sv-1b, I've run through basic one shots through plugins like sketchcasette and some other processing to create basic but effective key/pad-ish sounds to add extra flavor to your compositions.

Opening the .adg requires Live 11.2 or above + some third party plugins like sketchcasette, airchorus, and some third party m4l devices like glänta, but I also have individually sampled one shots in a dedicated folder, so you may import those into a sampler instrument to play them readily.  (even if you don't use Ableton you can still use the sampled one shots)

here's a preview of the sounds:




analogue_keys - Google Drive


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