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hi everyone,

thanks for all the support so far, and sorry for being quiet for a while.

this month has been quite tough for me in terms of schedules, and will continue to be until around the third week of december, as I have three songs (client work) i must finish within the next 2 weeks or so + i have to prepare for 3 live shows in december 

therefore, I will have to pause posting for a while until I get back to my normal schedule. (Probably around the 20th of December) 

Whether you will choose to leave or not is totally up to you, and if you do choose to leave, thanks for all the support and I'm sorry I could not meet your expectations. 

For those who are willing to continue to support me, thank you so much, and I hope I will be able to make up for this after I get back on track. 

I will try to post the summit project file for my $5 peeps within the next week or so, and also try to upload any wips I have for both tiers, but this is an announcement to say that the usual posting schedule will be dismissed for a while. 

Thanks for understanding, and once again, thank you all so much for supporting me on this project.  



Congratulations on the live shows! Wish I could be there!

Célian Courroy

Summit ! <3 <3 <3 Congrats for the live shows ! I''m so happy for yoou and your projets lately !