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hope you're all doing well.

today i have for you the project file of everyone else!


two project files are included, one being the stemmed version of the project file, and the second being the original - tracks are frozen (not flattened) so you can see how i did the processed the sounds! 

the zip file is quite large (3GB when opened) so be careful!

also i tried to freeze most of the stuff that needs freezing, but the only thing i couldn't freeze is the master track (obviously) so apologies if the master track causes some plugin related problems

my Pro-L Limiter settings are +6.0db Gain with the House - Transparent and Loud preset (screenshot attached) 

lmk if you have any other problems!



sad me

what libraries did you use for bandoneon and melodica?

Dylan Middleton

in the first drop section around 2:00 what did you resample for those chops??? was it pitched and distorted vocals from earlier in the track??? sounds insane


yes exactly that! i do a lot of resampling of my vocals/instrumentals and reuse them because it's quick & easy + you don't have to worry about copyright infringement haha