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here's a video on how I usually approach mixing!

the gist of it is:

1. adjust the sounds that stand out on the initial listen

2. adjust the drums (if you have them in your song)

3. adjust the bass (low end)

4. adjust the other elements

ofc it's not always like this, the process will depend on how well the song is mixed in the first place/how it's structured etc. , but usually this would be my order of process when mixing songs

also forgot to mention in the video but if you do have some extra cash for some investment, I'd recommend getting SoundID Reference if you don't have a professionally acoustic-treated room, which I believe would be the case for most people (including myself)

aaalso this has been mentioned in the video but I forgot to turn off the SoundID plugin during the recording of this video so the bass might sound bloated (sorry)

I have the before and after exports of the song here so you can have a fair comparison.

I often do not master my songs btw (I just have Pro-L stuck to my master track), I'm usually a 'if it sounds good with Pro-L on it's good' kinda guy so, yea. Maybe I should start learning the craft but I'm good for now.

hope you learn something!


few tips for how i mix songs


Mark David Generato

I have SoundID Reference, but I found my final mixes muddy after using it. I use a Sennheiser HD660S. I might try using it again after this. Thanks Phritz!