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I’ve finished editing Viridian Sands and I’ve made the ebooks. We don’t have a cover yet, but one is on the way, so it’s just the free edition for now. You can get the story in EPUB and MOBI formats using the links below, on the story page, or on the MEGA archive.


I also did some site maintenance. I split all of the fantasy stories into their own category and sorted them, and I gave the Alien franchise its own category, as the Other category was starting to spill off the screen at commonly used monitor resolutions. We’re also going to need a new category for Pinwheel stories as we’re on to the 31st entry now, holy cow.

Next up is the second story from the Patreon vote, which will feature Valbarans, but I need a day or two to upload Viridian Sands everywhere and do a little more maintenance. I’d like to get that Timeline sorted out properly and the Broker wiki page still needs to be updated extensively.



There better be some Rask Boobah and ear scratching on that cover

Indexo's Vault

$5 says one of Catla’s pack members owns the office building