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I’ve started work on my next story, Viridian Sands. This is the first of the three slice of life stories voted on by the Patreon community. Interestingly, it also marks the 30th entry in the Pinwheel series.

You can read the first update below:


Featured artwork by Honovy.




2500 word update, new content at “This is your first time on Borealis, yes?”


Not that I don't enjoy your more "military scifi" Pinwheel stories but I am very happy to see one seemingly more focused on the domestic/civilian elements of the setting. Beyond the action and hot alien babes (and dudes) you have created a really enjoyable & believable scifi setting which I'm always exited to see more of. Looking forward to how this story goes, which (so far) seems like it might as well be titled "grumpy cat aliens learn about agriculture, & farming equipment".

Lincoln Neal

I am excited to eventually learn about the other Equatorial Borealan nations besides Elysia and Rask.


3000 word update, new content at 'Ramos gripped the tubular frame'


Poor Ramos. He would have his hand full with one Rask soldier, let alone three.


3000 word update, new content at “Proceed,”


I have left a lot of room to add more races, yeah. Cheetahs, pygmies, sabertooths. There are a lot of options for the future.


2000 word update, new content at “Looks like the radar found a site!”


2000 word update, new content at “What are you going to teach us next?”


Maybe I am reading too much into the small amount of characterization so far but Zhuri seems to have some fear, uncertainty, and maybe a bit of shame underneath her anger. Her saying "What matters is what Rashka wants" & “She is Alpha." like a mantra gives me the vibe of someone looking toward a paternal/authority figure when suddenly faced with an uncertain future. Your have made it pretty clear that the average person (both human & alien) in you Pinwheel setting have a limited at best understanding of the details and current ongoings of interstellar politics within the Coalition, let alone a lowly Rask more worried about ensuing they get their next meal than anything else. Despite the whole "acceptance of a fair defeat" being a cultural trait of all the Borealan societies we have seen so far I am getting the impression there are a fair number of Rask (and perhaps other Borealans) who are still coming to terms with the coalition's prompt military response and the relative ease with which the Rask were defeated despite their initial advantage due to surprise of both the smuggled anti-orbital missiles and entire fleet of modified crawlers.


2000 word update, new content at “What matters is what Rashka wants,”


3800 word update, new content at 'They parked the tractor in the shadow of the crawler'


2000 word update, new content at “Ready to get to work?”


2500 word update, new content at 'As they walked across the burning sand'


2000 word update, new content at “What is so amusing?”


2000 word update, new content at 'As he waited on the couch'


2000 word update, new content at ‘Ramos had been right’


1500 word update, was a little busy today. New content at 'She soon returned with a couple of bottles'


2000 word update, new content at “You’re getting the hang of it,”


2500 word update, new content at 'Ramos felt her arm withdraw'


2000 word update, new content at 'Rashka paused there for a moment'


2000 word update, new content at “Are you trying to humiliate me before the alien?”


Mr. Guy is it fine if i just call you snek. Ok thanks Will you ever do a Q&A post, Snek?.


2400 word update, new content at 'When Kozi broke away'


I don't think I've ever done a Q&A, but I do answer a lot of questions via Discord and email. You're totally free to message me via Patreon if you have any questions, too.


2200 word update, new content at ‘Still a little unsteady’


2200 word update, new content at 'He began to move again'


2000 word update, new content at ‘It wasn’t a command’


Unfortunately I have the flu and I'm likely going to need a day or two to recover, I'll let you guys know as soon as I'm feeling well enough to resume updating.


2000 word update, new content at “How is he?” Still feeling pretty rough, but I’m working on and off, so there might be some disruptions until I fully recover.

Lincoln Neal

The story is great as usual Snek! Will the next project be the Valbara short story?


2000 word update, new content at “This is gentle?” Thank you for bearing with me while I was sick, I got some meds and I'm feeling quite a bit better, so I'm resuming my usual schedule.


2000 word update, new content at 'Ramos pulled his arm away'


2000 word update, new content at 'Pinned beneath her weight'


2000 word update, new content at ‘After stopping briefly at the colony’


2300 word update, new content at 'He made his way over to the nearest cloth'


2000 word update, new content at 'They were interrupted as Rashka returned with their meal'


You misspelled Zhura’s name as Zhuri several times. Found 4 instances of it using CTRL+F.


2000 word update, new content at 'She was daring him to tell her to leave'


Thanks for the catch, I haven't edited yet but I'll fix these in the next update.


2000 word update, new content at 'Planting a kiss on her hip'


2000 word update, new content at “Feeling better?”


2300 word update, new content at “I want you to look at me the same way Zhura looks at me,” Finished! We're heading into the holidays, so my schedule will certainly be disrupted for a bit, but I'll try to have the editing done ASAP.


18,000 words edited, chapters 1 and 2 are done. I'm back from my Holiday break, and I'm resuming work on editing Viridian Sands. I can probably have this done in about a week, then it's on to the next story.


10,000 words edited, chapter 3 is done.


Another 10,000 words, Chapter 4 is done, and a little of 5. We’re past the halfway point.


Another 10,000 words edited, chapter 5 is a long one.


17,000 words, chapters 5 and 6 are done. Should only be one or two updates left.


10,000 words, Chapter 7 is finished. That's a wrap! All of the proofreading is done, all that's left is running a few Grammarly passes and then I can make the ebook.


Grammarly passes are finished, ready to make the ebooks tomorrow.