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State of the Galaxy Poll

  • EE-4 105
  • Jarilo 75
  • Rask 107
  • Valbara 79
  • Siberia 48
  • Earth 59
  • Pinwheel 58
  • Jump Carrier 65
  • BFF 59
  • Kiss the Cook 70
  • 2023-09-08
  • —2023-09-15
  • 725 votes
{'title': 'State of the Galaxy Poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'EE-4', 'votes': 105}, {'text': 'Jarilo', 'votes': 75}, {'text': 'Rask', 'votes': 107}, {'text': 'Valbara', 'votes': 79}, {'text': 'Siberia', 'votes': 48}, {'text': 'Earth', 'votes': 59}, {'text': 'Pinwheel', 'votes': 58}, {'text': 'Jump Carrier', 'votes': 65}, {'text': 'BFF', 'votes': 59}, {'text': 'Kiss the Cook', 'votes': 70}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 9, 15, 1, 25, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 9, 8, 16, 47, 35, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 725}


After a lot of large, status quo changing stories in the Pinwheel setting, I'm ready for some smaller, less impactful slice of life tales. These will be around 30,000 words each and will explore various colony planets and aspects of Coalition relations. I'm thinking of doing three, and I've collected a bunch of ideas that you guys can vote on. Your top picks will be written next once Brokering Trust is finalized.

I may take a break to write another Halloween story in October, which will also have a poll, so stay tuned for that!

Remember that you can vote for multiple stories, so be sure to pick all of the options that appeal to you.

1. EE-4:
After the planet was liberated by the UNN Shiroyama during the events of Splashdown, EE-4 has gone largely ignored due to its dense and unforgiving jungles making it poorly suited to human habitation. Now, a joint colonization venture by the Araxie and the Jarilans is changing everything. With the Jarilans building underground infrastructure and the Araxie taming the jungles, human visitors often find themselves caught in the middle.
Pairing: Human x Jarilan x Araxie

2. Jarilo:
Now a thriving colony world and a center for shipbuilding, Jarilo has become a place where those who are down on their luck can start anew, leaving their old lives behind for the promise of blue skies and friendly insects. Whether you're seeking medical care or a homestead to call your own, you'll be welcomed with four open arms.
Pairing: Human x Jarilan

3. Rask:
The Rask territory is starting to recover from the events of the rebellion, and its warlike inhabitants have turned much of their energy towards farming and reconstruction. Greening the inhospitable deserts is a tough call, but not beyond the combined resources of the Coalition. That doesn't mean the natives aren't out to badger any off-worlders who happen to be working on infrastructure, however. Wayward engineers sometimes find themselves the target of prowling packs eager to give their new allies a warm welcome.
Pairing: Human x Rask pack

4. Valbara:
Despite its reputation as a peaceful and welcoming planet, adapting to life on Valbara can be challenging for humans. Their strict gender roles and unusual customs often put male expats on the back foot, and the rigors of their hectic work lives can be hard to keep up with. Office politics has a whole new meaning for the few aliens who seek employment in their shining cities.
Pairing: Human x Valbaran flock

5. Siberia:
The Siberian colony continues to grow and thrive since the Polars sought asylum on Earth, and the aliens have turned the inhospitable taiga into a bustling settlement with several outlying villages. Polar hospitality is as warm and as welcoming as their hearths, and even visitors who only stop by for a few days can expect to be ushered into their longhouses to share a hot meal and a warm bedroll.
Pairing: Human x Polar pack

6. Earth:
The crown jewel of UN space has seen few alien visitors, but the more time passes and the closer relations become, the more off-world tourists find themselves touching down on the human homeworld. For a solitary Valbaran male journeying alone, the experience is as exciting as it is overwhelming.
Pairing: Male Valbaran x Female Human/alt gay version

7. Pinwheel:
For new arrivals to the Pinwheel, navigating human social conventions can be a challenging affair, but those looking for advice can usually find it in the aliens who have spent more time living on the station. Valbaran and Borealan courtship methods might be very different, but when they put their heads together, they're sure to succeed. Right...?
Pairing: Human x Valbaran x Equatorial

8. Jump Carrier:
Ever wondered what the crews of UNN jump carriers get up to during their long, uneventful voyages into deep space? How do they occupy their free time, and how to all of the different Coalition species interact when thrust into a confined space for such long deployments? When left to their own devices, their only option is to amuse themselves.
Pairing: multiple couples and situations

9. BFF:
When her human friend expresses a fascination with a Rask mercenary who frequents his favorite bar on the station, his Polar companion promises to teach him all the tips and tricks for courting (and pleasing) the alien. After scoping out the situation, however, she soon discovers that the mercenary is a terrible fit for her friend, and she decides to take the hands-on tutoring to a new level in the hope that he'll lose interest.
Pairing: Human x Polar

10. Kiss the Cook:
Jarilan Repletes spend their whole lives producing food for their hive, but when one Replete feels that her duty should extend beyond her immediate kin, she's confused by the negative reception to her honey. Undeterred, she decides to learn human food preparation techniques, opening up a bar and restaurant in the colony that serves all species.
Pairing: Human x Replete



Now with multiple votes!

Paul Martinek

Super excited will have to read over the options when I get home!

Bury nice Basiun

So i'll just vote on each one of them if that's alright?

Cool Guy

Aaaah i love all of these slice of life concepts so much! I hope you write batches of these more often! I really want to see the more relaxed parts of the universe


Picked my top 4 looking forward to reading most of them anyways!


What can i do when i liked almost all of the posibilites? 🤣😅


You give me bug I will always pick bug XD Little sad to see no Krell option tho.


I was really wondering about that replete that became a cook


Yall best vote for Rask Tractor GF Simulator

Yitzhak Brill

Had to really think about it before I voted, as all of these are really fun ideas. Nevertheless, I narrowed it down and chose the top few I definitely hope get written!

Robert Gilbert

Rask,, Siberia, and BFF for me.


Damn, making this really hard on me. A lot of these sound pretty good.


Selected almost all of them. Still, if I had to be picky, more Jarilan=more better. I concur that you should write more of the shorter slice of life stories in the future whenever the opportunity allows for it.

Indexo's Vault

AAAAAAAAA I want them all! These are all so goood!!!


It's a shame there's only one option that will explicitly have a gay/bi version, I wouldn't mind seeing some gayness involving non-polar Borealans one day, and a Jarilan would be nice too.


Valbirb flock lives in my brain rent free.


I'm buggin' out here


Obligatory Valbaran vote aside, that Jarilo story sounds really interesting.


You bois better be voting for Jarilo now


I think the Earth story is a cool idea. We got a buncha stories about a human going to an alien home world to learn about its people from the perspective of the human but not many where the opposite is the case.

Smohn Jith

Mebbe short story sequel to Rig Runner? MC gets attacked by pirates (again) but this time he's caught with his pants down and taken to the pirate's cove (shoddy supposed-to-have-been-decomissioned-decades-ago space station abandoned by humans) and as it turns out his old lover had just so happened to be at port, the two needing to navigate carefully to get him out in one piece... but maybe after dicking around in the station a bit...

Paul Martinek

Top 5 picked! Thank you for writing so much, it is an amazing world that I love spending time in, for more than the most obvious reasons. Hope you have been enjoying starfield!

Cr Peregrine

I would be reading anything written by you regardless of what it is about. i just love your work!


Oh, man. A lot of tough choices. I'd say my top is BFF, since I've been wanting to see you write a female lead for a while. Also, Earth because... gay. But I also really like the story ideas for EE-14 and Rask. They seem like they advance the plot of the universe without being major conflicts.


I do have another plan for a full sequel to that story that I can hopefully get to eventually.


Hello snekguy have you considered taking a break from writing the main pinwheel stories and instead work on all these new stories because they all sound amazing and I’m sure you’re Patreons would enjoy reading all of them


Love to see Rask or Valbara again

Ruza Needs A SWAR GF

Would be cool to see ruza in the rask story fixing boo-boos


Vote for justice and very angry kitties, vote Rask!

Lincoln Neal

Valbarans domming human office worker PLZ




Snekguy after you write your most voted stories will you at some point in the future write the rest of the stories?


Certainly, some of these are ideas that I've been mulling over for a long time, and there are more than enough stories here to feature in future polls!