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From what I've been able to gather, Patreon has moved some of their financial operations from San Francisco to Dublin, and in doing so, they've caused all kinds of issues with people's payments. What was previously a domestic transaction has become an international one for Patrons located in the United States, resulting in many of those transactions being flagged as fraudulent by their banks. It's also playing merry hell with the Payoneer service, which Patreon have had to deactivate entirely pending a fix.

By my count, this has impacted 32 of my Patrons who were not charged properly and have lost access to their rewards. In the case of suspected fraud, Patreon may not attempt to charge you again when the first charge failed, so be aware that you may have to contact support if you're having that issue.

Unfortunately, I'm powerless to do anything about it on my end, but what I can do is manually provide access to rewards for anyone who is experiencing issues. If you're unable to complete your payment, please contact me and I will provide you with access to the MEGA archive until the situation is resolved. I can also restore any lost Discord roles.

I appreciate your patience, and I realize that any technical issue or barrier to entry like this can potentially result in those affected just throwing in the towel because it's not worth the hassle, but know that I will take care of you until Patreon resolves the problem.


Ruza Needs A SWAR GF

You should probably do a post on other social media just cover all your bases

Greg King

I'm unaware if my account is a problem or not, but I can always pay by PayPal if needed.


Not to worry Greg, it looks like your subscription is fine on my end.

Giggles fun time

Finally got my payment to update, hopefully no more hiccups on my end. Sometimes I hate technology 😑