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The Kodiak main battle tank is the tip of the UNN's armored spear, serving as a carrier-deployable heavy weapons platform that can be adapted to a variety of battlefield conditions. At nine meters long and upwards of seventy tons when fully loaded, it's the heaviest ground vehicle currently fielded by the Navy save for the Yagda superheavy repulsor.

Originally designed with a slanted hull to deflect enemy shells, the Kodiak was upgraded with composite ceramic armor to help it deal with Betelgeusian plasma weapons more effectively after the outbreak of the war. Made from a material similar to that commonly used to harden spacecraft for reentry, the plates can absorb a great deal of heat, dissipating the energy over a larger surface area to prevent it from melting through. They also retain thick armor that can stop even an anti-materiel railgun slug from penetrating.
The Kodiak fields several other defensive systems, such as smoke launchers, reactive armor systems, and a blister that can be used as a close-in weapon to intercept missiles and mortar shells.

(Pictured: a Kodiak with bustle rack and desert camouflage as seen during the battles of the Dune Sea and East Gate, Rask Rebellion, 2626)

The main gun of the Kodiak is a large railgun that magnetically accelerates sabots to extremely high speeds. The payloads include tungsten penetrators for defeating enemy armor, canister rounds loaded with ball bearings for use again infantry, high explosives, and plasma charges designed to vaporize soft targets and create overpressure waves inside structures. The weapon is equipped with an auto-loader system that eliminates the need for a fourth crewman.
The gun features a flattened shroud that protects the two parallel rails, along with a round muzzle device designed to contain the dangerous arc flashes that can result when a projectile traveling at high speed ionizes the air.

(Pictured: a Kodiak with autumn camouflage and netting on the barrel as seen during Operation Ant Hill, Kerguela Campaign, 2627. This variant is equipped for de-mining, with a line charge launcher and a mine plow)

Auxiliary weapons include a remote blister that can be operated by the vehicle's commander, which commonly comes equipped with a 120mm mortar for suppression and squad support, and a full-auto AMR designed to engage low-flying aircraft and light vehicles.
The cheeks of the turret feature two hardpoints where external weapons can be attached, allowing for flexible loadouts that can be quickly changed depending on the mission requirements.
These include a 20mm gun pod, missile and rocket launchers, and several utility options such as line charges for clearing enemy fortifications and supplemental sensor arrays.

The vehicle features a hydrogen turbine engine housed in the front section of the hull, which serves to provide supplemental protection for the crew. The driver sits just behind it, primarily relying on a suite of external cameras and sensors to navigate, but having a periscope as a physical backup. The gunner and commander ride in the turret section, where the commander's cupola allows an unimpeded view of the vehicle's surroundings. At the rear is a troop compartment just large enough to carry a fireteam of six Marines, accessible via a ramp.
While Marines are not commonly deployed from the Kodiak, it serves as a useful tool for providing cover and for transporting the wounded. It also gives the crew room to sleep and eat during longer deployments, and can be used to store cargo if necessary.
The Kodiak can be pressurized for operation in hostile environments, and can be completely sealed against biological, chemical, and nuclear attacks.

This awesome concept art comes courtesy of artist and illustrator Simon Contreras.
Check out more of his work by following the link.




Nice to see my design given a proper treatment