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As you guys know, writing a 2000 word update every day is kind of my gimmick, and I've stuck to it religiously for these past 6 or 7 years, only taking time off and missing days very occasionally.

As the community grows, and my responsibilities grow along with it, I am finding it increasingly difficult to keep up with that schedule. You may have noticed this taking the form of more missed days and more 1500 word updates recently. Managing the Discord community, the Reddit community, responding to emails and comments, reading the stories that people submit, managing art projects, updating the Wiki, and just generally running the business is taking up more and more of my time.

Rather than stretch myself thin and risk burning out, I am proposing to take Sundays off from now on. This will result in 8000 fewer words per month, but it will allow me to properly manage other aspects of the business, and to take regular time off when I need it. That doesn't mean that I will never release an update on a Sunday again (I very much enjoy writing), just that freeing myself from that responsibility will allow me to prioritize other important things that I might not have time for otherwise.

Making any kind of change to a system that is working is always a difficult decision, but this is something that I've been mulling over for a long time, and I feel like it's the right call. I will, of course, continue my usual 2000-word update schedule Monday through Saturday. It's probably weird that I haven't been taking time off, and treating it like a big change is unnecessary, but I am a creature of habit.

Let me know what you guys think in the comments, of course. 



I would much rather the content continue to flow. Better to give yourself time to rest and catch up where needed than to burn out. An engine run without cooldown time is not one that will last.


Thanks for the support, guys! As much as the prospect of taking a full weekend off is appealing, I've been trying it out for a couple of weeks, and I feel like Sundays off is gonna work out well for me.