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The Patreon poll was a blowout, so I’m going to be doing a short Halloween-themed story before I resume work on Autumn War. Here are the first 2500 words:


With a wrecked car and no cellphone reception, Freddy seeks help in the only place that he can, a run-down mansion that looks long abandoned. To his surprise, he finds a strange woman living there alone, but there’s an ulterior motive to her gracious hospitality.



Sounds great! I think you can create something that will tickle our nerves a little!)) I like the theme of a run-down and abandoned mansion ...


2000 word update, new content at ‘He stepped into the foyer’


2000 word update, new content at “So, what brings you all the way out here on such a dreadful night?”


2000 word update, new content at ‘This area of the manor was indeed less lavishly furnished’


2000 word update, new content at “There’s a good boy,”


I was busy with art related stuff today, so I didn't have time for an update. The venerable Oouna is onboard for the Goetic Justice audiobook cover, and I'm very excited about the design. I hope to have something to show you guys soon. The cover design for the Autumn War volume II is already progressing nicely, and comes courtesy of SickJoe. It's going to feature the entirety of Xipa's team.


2000 word update, new content at 'His next stop was the en-suite bathroom'


2000 word update, new content at 'His fear morphed into a kind of reckless anger'


2000 word update, new content at ‘She brought herself closer’


I didn't have time for an update today due to art stuff, but I'll add what I wrote today to tomorrow's update.


2000 word update, new content at 'Her hands began to move again' Did a bunch more art stuff today (the next Autumn War cover is shaping up great) but just scraped enough time together for an update.


2000 word update, new content at “Now, don’t get too comfortable,”


1500 word update. Had to do my taxes today so the update is a bit short and late. New content at ‘That tunnel of wet flesh stretched over him like a vinyl glove’


2000 word update, new content at 'Freddy did his best to oblige' Finished! Editing should take one day, and I may have time to make the Ebook too.


Not to rush, but when do you think you'll start working on Autumn War again?


I'll need to take a day to post Widow's Welcome to the various sites I use, then I should be able to get started on Autumn War again right away. So maybe a day or two.


Editing on Widow's Welcome is finished! I didn't quite find the time to make the ebooks, but I'll do those tomorrow.