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I just wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas, and to thank you for another year of support. We've been growing steadily, with larger stories, a bigger community, more concept art and covers, and bigger side projects like the website and the upcoming game, and that's all thanks to you guys paying me to be a shameless smut peddler. 

I'm really excited for the upcoming Pinwheel stories I'll be able to write this year, I'll be expanding the setting and introducing many more species. We have The Autumn War, in which the Coalition tries to retake the lost Valbaran colony of Kerguela, a story centered around the Brokers and their misguided attempts to improve their drone AI, a story where Naval Intelligence is finally forced to deal with rogue elements of the UNN, the introduction of the Jakkari, a species who have turned their solar system into a fortress to ward off Betelgeusian fleets, and the introduction of a new opposing faction in the form of an oppressive empire led by a cruel reptilian race who use the threat of the Betelgeusians to coerce other species into becoming their vassals. Not to mention all the stuff in-between.

I'm almost done updating the website, and I'm hoping to start the next story around the new year. It's going to be a fantasy story about a faun/deer girl, so I hope you'll look forward to that. I'm taking a couple of days off to do holiday stuff, so I'll probably be back on the 27th. 




Merry Christmas, Snek! I've been reading your stuff since you first started posting your X-Com series back in the trash threads. Seeing how far you've come and your consistent great quality makes me hope you keep hitting new heights.

Lincoln Neal

I like how the website is filling out!