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Today, I uploaded Worlds Apart 2 to the various websites I post on, so that's all finished now. The next project I want to work on is a short fantasy story about a faun/deer creature, and after that, I'll be starting work on the much awaited Autumn War story, which is about retaking the lost Valbaran colony of Kerguela. There's some more concept art in the works for that one, so stay tuned.

For the next few days, I'm going to take a little time off writing to work on the website. I'd like to finish adding Ebook download links to all the story pages, and I want to create a couple of new Wiki entries so that there are no blank articles, which will also give you guys more content to read in the meantime. This is both because I've been putting it off and it needs to get done, but also because I expect an influx of new visitors soon. As some of you already know, I've been working on a videogame project over the last few months. I'm still under NDA, so I can't divulge any details, but I expect it to be launching soon. I'd like to get the website in tip-top shape ready for the release. 

Needless to say, I will be big-time shilling the aforementioned game when it's ready, so keep an eye out for that. 


Robert Gilbert

Don't forget the Timeframe, so we know when stuff happens. Wish I had money, I'd pay for a 12-24 episode Ecchi Anime/Hentai of Pinwheel :P


Today, I updated the Betelgeusian Wiki with all of the new vehicles, adding about 2000 words of content. You can check that out here: http://snekguy.com/wiki/species/betelgeusians/ I’m hoping to get maybe one entry a day done over the next week so that there are no blank pages.


Today I added a bunch of new content to the Krell page, which was missing important details on their culture and society. You can read about that here: http://snekguy.com/wiki/species/krell/


Today, I created the Wiki page for the Brokers, which you can read here: http://snekguy.com/wiki/species/brokers/ There's about 1500 words of new content there, but there's going to be a little more as soon as we can get the appropriate plugins installed so I can use collapsible text for spoilers.


Today I started the Wiki page for the UNN. This one is going to be big, so it's not finished yet, but there's about 2500 words of new content there for you guys to check out. http://snekguy.com/wiki/species/humanity/


Very exciting


I added a bunch more content to the Human Wiki page, but there’s still a lot to fill in. It occurs to me that the specs of vehicles and weapons probably aren’t what you guys find most interesting, so I may put that on hold for the moment and move on to other races. Next up will be the five different flavors of Borealan.


Was a little busy today, but I got the Borealan Wiki started, which you can read here: http://snekguy.com/wiki/species/borealans/ It's gonna take a while to fill in the info for all five races, and I've not settled on how I want to format it yet, but I'll probably get it all down then worry about the presentation later.


Added about 2000 words more to the Borealan wiki, mostly in the Elysian section. It's still very much incomplete and I'm kind of adding stuff as it occurs to me. There's a rather daunting amount of content for these guys.


Added a bunch more content to the Elysian section of the Borealan Wiki today, and it's mostly finished. I just need to fill in some more of the culture section, then I should be good to move on to the other races.


I did another 2000 words for the Borealan Wiki today. I feel like the Elysian section is wrapped up now, and I’ve begun on the Rask section. Let me know if I missed anything important. http://snekguy.com/wiki/species/borealans/


I added another 2000 words to the Rask section. It's nearly complete now, I just need to finish describing the vehicles used during the Rebellion. All of that stuff should be hidden behind a spoiler warning and will drop down when you click on it. After that, I just have the three remaining Borealan races to fill in, which shouldn't take nearly as long.


Today I finished up the Rask section and started on the Polar section. There's another 2000 words of new content there.


I was a bit busy with art related stuff today, so I thought I'd work on some other aspects of the site instead of writing more wiki stuff. I uploaded all of the old XCOM stories, and many of them required some pretty aggressive reformatting. It actually exposed a flaw in some of my older stories (specifically from before I began to use scene transitions) that will require me to reformat and reupload a couple of the Pinwheel ones too, but I'll leave that for another day.


Today I added Ebook download and purchase links to 15 of the stories, and I completely reformatted three of those and made new Ebooks for them (Hostage, Highway to Krell Het/Bi). They're not re-edited, just formatted so that they read better and display properly on the website.


All of the Pinwheel stories have been updated with Ebook and store links, as well as new versions of Ebooks with improved formatting where necessary. I also added Ebook links for 11 other stories. They're almost all done now, just a handful of really old ones left like the XCOM stories.


I'm back, hope you guys had a good Christmas. I added another 2200 words to the Borealan Wiki today, and the Araxie section is almost finished. I'm currently on track for starting a new writing project on the 2nd of January (as the 1st is community day).


Today I finished up the Araxie section, and added in the Lakeless section. It's nearly done now, though I would like to add in a reproduction passage for each section. Once that's done, the only Wiki page left to fill in is the technology page.


I've added 2000 words to the technology page, which is done save for the weapons section.


Today I finished the technology page, added a weapons section to the Betelgeusian page, and added the secret Broker history to the Broker page. All I want to do now is add a reproduction section to the Borealan page, and that's pretty much it. I should be done by tomorrow.


Today I added the reproduction sections for each Borealan race. With that done, I feel like the Wiki is in a good place, and the content there now numbers 35,774 words, the equivalent of a novella in its own right. The only thing I've left blank are the UNN vehicles, which I'll fill in on my own time. I could likely double that wordcount if I listed all the minutia, but it's time to move on. I'll probably slowly add more content as it occurs to me over time. Tomorrow is fan day, where I'll be reviewing fanfiction submissions, then I'll start work on the next story on the 2nd.


I read a chunk of one of the fan stories that was submitted today. New content tomorrow.