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Here's the first 2000 words of Worlds Apart 2:



Liz and Jamie are settled into their new life together, but their inability to reproduce starts to cause tension between them. Intent on finding a way to make the impossible happen, they embark upon a journey that takes them across Coalition space. 


Shiny Umbreon

fuuuuuuuck I'm still not done reading the WA1 edit, help


2000 word update, new content at “I need this today,”


2000 word update, new content at 'She held them there'


2000 word update, new content at “What, like adoption?” Just a heads up, I’m having some surgery done tomorrow, so there probably won’t be an update that day.

Robert Gilbert

Good luck with the surgery. I'm enjoying the story so far, curious to know where it goes. My current theory is they end up going to Jarillo. Would love for them to go to Pinwheel first.


Unfortunately they didn't actually do the surgery today, they just did an examination and scheduled it for next month. I'll resume updating as usual tomorrow.


2000 word update, new content at “I think you may be screwed on this one, Jamie,”


2000 word update, new content at “Then, it’s not impossible in theory,”


2000 word update, new content at 'You know...even if we managed to get a message through'


2000 word update, new content at 'Another day passed'


Loving it so far. I do have one question though.... what about Jamie’s parents? It struck me as odd that there was no mention of how they reacted to Lizka’s reappearance (especially since they had been so dismissive of their relationship when she left) and also now no mention of Jamie telling them he was essentially going off grid for potentially a year or more. Seems like something you’d want to tell your parents

Robert Gilbert

To be honest it is not important to the story. Also the Author does not have to put every little detail into the story. I'm currently writing a fanfic and I have to remind myself that I don't need to write everything that goes on.

Elijah Michael

This story made me sign up. Anybody who can write like this deserves some financial recognition. Keep doing what you're doing Snekguy.


Hi Hamerad, thanks for reading. Jamie doesn't have a very close relationship with his parents, but it may be an oversight not to mention them at some point, I agree.


I ended up working on art-related stuff for most of today, so I ran out of time for writing an update. I'm going to do some maintenance on the website, and get an early start tomorrow.


2000 word update, new content at 'The base of the orbital tether was located nearby' I made some changes to how the space elevators work so I may need to go back and make some very minor edits to WA1.


A little under 2000 words today, new content at “Any last messages you want to send before we leave?” I thought I'd cut it a little short so I can dedicate a decent amount of time to designing the terminal station tomorrow.

Robert Gilbert

You have an error in your latest update, after the three *** you call Liz Raz.


1500 word update, new content at 'Their tether wasn’t the only one' Sorry it's pretty late, I lost a good couple of hours to a blackout today. It's my birthday tomorrow, so I'm going to take a couple of days off to do family stuff and catch up on some videogames. I'll resume updating as normal on the 6th.

Alex McCutcheon

That sucks about the blackout. I live in the Bay Area and we had a about a week maybe of rolling blackouts. Happy birthday and I will be here to read whatever you added to WA2

Lincoln Neal

Check out Wasteland 3 if you like turn based tactical RPGs its a good game.


Break time is over, resuming normal updates. 2000 word update, new content at “We have to go left,”


2000 word update, new content at “How’s your food situation?”


2000 word update, new content at 'As they drifted away from the station' I'm going in for surgery tomorrow (last time was just an examination) so depending on how fucked up on painkillers I am when I get out, I may not be able to write an update that day.


My surgery ended up being more extensive than I anticipated, but it went well, and I got a goodie bag of painkillers so I'm not in too bad shape. Please note that updates may be earlier or later than usual over the next month, as a nurse will be coming to change my bandages every day, so I'll need to adjust my sleep schedule for that.

Alex McCutcheon

Hope it went well. You are still in the hospital? Must have been bad. Hope you have a swift recovery


1500 word update, new content at ‘The two men watched as Liz hauled the blankets over to the corner of the room.’


I'm back home, no worries. Recovery should take about 12 weeks, but it shouldn't impact my update schedule very much once the nurse is done with me.


2000 word update, new content at “If stimulating conversation was all I wanted, I’d be dating a mathematician,”


2000 word update, new content at 'Her ruthless pace became too much for him' As I mentioned, please forgive some oddly timed updates over the next few weeks. I’m still writing every day, but recovering from my recent surgery is disrupting my schedule quite significantly.


Ran out of time today, but I'll add what I wrote to tomorrow's update.


2000 word update, new content at “I can’t imagine being the only human in a school full of Borealans,”


2000 word update, new content at “Can you get a closer look?”


2000 word update, new content at 'He found himself standing on top of a raised landing pad'

Alex McCutcheon

Great work so far. I kinda want to wait a few days so I have more to read in one go but I just want to hear more! Again, great work, and stay healthy.

Robert Gilbert

Ditto. Hopefully we get to meet Walker, Holly and her two Marine bodyguards, Queen too (obviously :P)


2000 word update, new content at ‘Jamie and Liz returned to their prefab’


Glad you guys are enjoying it! Yeah, I intend to bring back a few fun cameos.


2000 word update, new content at 'He led them on'


2000 word update, new content at “Looks like you came to the right place, then,”


1500 word update. I had my stitches removed today, so I was a little busier than usual. New content at “At this point, I have no idea what to expect,”


2000 word update, new content at 'They moved on from the factory'


2000 word update, new content at “We should get out for a while,”


2000 word update, new content at 'The first parameter to be considered'


2000 word update, new content at “That’s what I’d do differently.”


My bandages are off now and I no longer need to stay up to see the nurse every morning, so I'm going to take a day off to reset my sleep schedule so I can resume updating at the usual time.

Alex McCutcheon

Take your time. Your health is more important.


2000 word update, new content at “Were they a hive-mind before?”


No update today, unfortunately. I only got about a thousand words done because I wasted a bunch of time researching subjects related to IVF treatments and estrus cycles that I ended up not including in favor of simpler solutions. For some reason it took me hours of researching ovarian stimulation protocols for me to remember that Borealans can just release more than one egg at once because they usually give birth to litters, rather than having to undergo weeks of treatments to harvest multiple eggs like a human would.


2500 word update, new content at “Have you made any progress with the Bug machine?”


2000 word update, new content at 'It only took a day for Sousa and his team to prepare Liz’s procedure'

Robert Gilbert

After reading this update I really think Liz and Jamie should go back to Borealis and raise the litter there. Liz has her pack waiting for her and I'm sure they'd help out, plus her parents. The UAS could install an AG field so that Jamie doesn't have to go into orbit every 6 months, for two weeks.


2000 word update, new content at 'I guess we’ll have some time to kill' Just a heads up, I have an appointment at the hospital tomorrow to check up on my recovery, so I may not have time for an update. This will hopefully be the last disruption related to my recent surgery.


2000 word update, new content at “You’re not?”


2000 word update, new content at “Let’s get you home before you pass out,”


2000 word update, new content at 'He moved down her torso'


2000 word update, new content at 'After only a few quick thrusts'


With all the disruption from my surgery, I ended up with quite a backlog of emails, and I still hadn't uploaded the Worlds Apart remaster and Heart of Riven to several of the websites that I use. I took care of all that today, so those stories should be going live on Literotica and StoriesOnline shortly. Please note that if you're waiting for your fan story to be reviewed, I have somewhat of a backlog and I'll be getting back to you as soon as possible. I'll resume updating as normal tomorrow.


2000 word update, new content at 'They pulled up a short distance away'


2000 word update, new content at 'I do want to support you in your endeavor'


2000 word update, new content at “I like Jarilo,” Just a heads up, I may take a day or two off writing soon to get those three Retail Ebooks finished and published. There's still quite a lot left to do on Worlds Apart 2 and I'd like to get them out ASAP.


2000 word update, new content at “The clock is ticking.”

Robert Gilbert

You have an error in the new update - “Don’t worry” Holly replied “we’ll be sending you plenty of pictures...”. Holly isn’t talking, I’m guessing it is meant to be Liz or Jamie.


I enjoy that you’re so devoted to researching the topics you write about, it really scratches my itch for hard science. Your work is fantastic!


Thanks Saro, glad you've been enjoying the stories. I try hard to make them as realistic as I reasonably can, yeah. I always end up doing a lot of odd and unexpected research on weird subjects.


2000 word update, new content at 'If you ever make it to Earth'


2000 word update, new content at 'When they had all filed out of the room'


1500 word update, I was pretty busy today. New content at “If that’s the case, then sanity is overrated.”


2000 word update, new content at “That could still happen,”

Robert Gilbert

I was thinking earlier today, what if when they get to Earth someone suggests they go to the Polar Republic to have the litter. They'll be with Borealans who know what to do and can help out.


2000 word update, new content at “Maybe you’ll catch them next time,”


I wanted to work on the next round of Retail Ebooks over this weekend, I'm hoping to get them all finished by Monday.


All of the Retail Ebooks are finished, and they've all been uploaded to Amazon and Smashwords. I think tomorrow is a good day to handle my quarterly taxes, so I'll be resuming Worlds Apart 2 either tomorrow or the day after depending on how much math I have to do.


Now that all of the Ebooks are live on Amazon and Smashwords, back to our regularly-scheduled programming. 2000 word update, new content at “All hands, prepare for maneuvers,”


Hi Robert. Due to the large volume, I'm thinking of setting aside a day every month that will be a 'community day', where I respond to all of the emails and messages I've been sent, as well as review the fanfiction stories people have submitted. I currently have a backlog of four almost novel-length submissions to read, and it's hard to make time for that on top of the usual updates. I need to do a better job of that, so I think it would be a good solution.


2000 word update, new content at 'Jamie was somewhat worried that the customs agents might confiscate the crates'


Yeah, I have submissions from four different people waiting to be looked at. You're first in the queue though.


2000 word update, new content at 'They rode the train to the spaceport terminal'

Robert Gilbert

Heh, didn't know mine was a novel :P It's possible what I've written will get rewritten again. I've switched to writing backward, so currently 'working' on the Epilogue, though I haven't touched it for a while. I got stuck on Chapter 9.


2000 word update, new content at 'Her pace was slow, placating'


1500 word update, new content at 'It took Jamie a moment' I was pretty held up doing some research on meats and delis today, hence the shorter update.


2000 word update, new content at 'Liz turned to glance at Jamie as he stepped into the apartment'


2000 word update, new content at 'He returned to her side'


2000 word update, new content at ‘Their rutting reached a fever pitch’

Robert Gilbert

Why did my brain have visions of this story suddenly turning sideways? I.e the kittens get taken away.


2000 word update, new content at ‘They made their way to the nearest elevator shaft’


1500 word update, new content at 'He reached down, letting the kitten grab his finger' Had to do some research on babies today, so that cost me some time.


2000 word update, new content at 'That was our biggest concern'


2000 word update, new content at 'The next couple of days proceeded much the same way'


2000 word update, new content at 'Jamie was relieved when the kittens were given a clean bill of health'


2000 word update, new content at 'Jamie rose to his feet and made his way over'


2000 word update, new content at 'There was a knock at the door'


2000 word update, new content at 'Liz spared Jamie a glance across the dining table.' It's rare that I take (voluntary) time off, but I'm going to be taking this weekend off both because I have some IRL stuff to do that I've been putting off, and because one of my favorite games is getting a big update in a few days that I'd like to prepare for. I'll resume updating as normal on Monday.


2000 word update, new content at 'They saw his parents off'


2000 word update, new content at 'Jamie made a quick trip to the grocery store on the nearest plaza'


2000 word update, new content at 'Playtime was now a mad rush to keep the kittens contained'

Robert Gilbert

There's a typo with the new update - "put into a kind of trance like a bay with a pacifier" I think you meant to type baby instead of bay.


2000 word update, new content at 'Jamie finished drying the last of the pots' I completely forgot about the sex scene I wanted to add in, so I'm starting on that now. It takes place just after the scene with Jamie's parents.


2000 word update, bit of a weird one today. The sex scene I added is now done, new content from 'He felt the cushion of her thighs' to “At least they had the courtesy to let us finish.” After that, I resumed normal updates from “We really appreciate what you’re doing,”


2000 word update, new content at 'The journey down to the ground was even more exciting for them'


I spent a lot of time working with artists today. We have a full set of Jarilans on the way, with a Pilot, a Worker, and male and female Drones, as well as some long-awaited concept art for the Brokers. I also have to get up very early tomorrow to deal with some IRL stuff that came up, so I'll call it for tonight and get you guys an early update tomorrow.


2000 word update, new content at “It’s hard to believe that such a small thing could grow so large,”


2000 word update, new content at “I’ll have to get in touch and ask them when they want me back,”

Robert Gilbert

Patreon can be annoying when you type stuff in. You missed a speech mark - “It’s alright, Daz,” Jamie crooned. “Mama will be back later, she has to go to work. She hasn’t vanished. Needs one after the vanished.


2000 word update, new content at 'Liz came over to join them'


2000 word update, new content at ‘Jamie gave Bren another piece of boiled chicken’


2000 word update, new content at “Toza is making a new friend.”


I'm going to take a bit of a break today to watch the Destiny 2 Raid Race, in which my clan is participating. Please expect a delayed or potentially non-existent update depending on how long it lasts. It's not uncommon for these things to take 16+ hours.


2000 word update, new content at “Look at you, being all dad mode,”


1500 word update, new content at “I think we can handle the rest,” Apologies for the late update, some IRL stuff came up today.


2500 word update, new content at “Considered for what?” Finished! The final word count is a hair under 139,000 words, but I’ll probably trim that down a little in editing. I’ll take a day off tomorrow to reset, because delivering updates at 8am is not optimal, and then I’ll start work on the editing/proofreading process. At my usual rate of 20,000 words a day, it should take about a week, but I’m still doing some contract work on the side right now, so that might extend it a little. Another big Pinwheel story is in the pipeline, watch out for some new concept art for that one coming soon. Before I get started on that, I’d like to work on a short story about a faun, as well as do some maintenance on the website. I need to upload the rest of the Ebooks and add some more content to the Wiki. I’ll keep you guys in the loop.

Robert Gilbert

Whoop.. We need a timeline on the website.

Robert Gilbert

Yup, makes it hard plonking a story into an established timezone when you don't know when stuff happens. For example, Worlds Apart 1 is spread over 15+ years, yet Pinwheel is 5 years after the first contact? We also need a Worlds Apart 3, which will cover the later years of the Kitten's school life and then the trip to Borealis + wedding. Obviously this will be after the next few stories are done :P


Editing on Worlds Apart 2 has begun and is estimated to take about a week. The first 20,000 words are done, from Chapter 1 to Chapter 3.

Robert Gilbert

Once you've done the next few stories, it would be great to have a World's Apart 3, where we see the family grow up some more and then head off to Borealis for the wedding :)


I didn't have much time for editing today, I was mostly working on art-related stuff. We have Broker concept art on the way soon. I'll get back to it tomorrow.


Another 27,000 words edited, from Chapter 3 to Chapter 5.


Another 20,000 words edited, from Chapter 5 to 7.


Another 20,000 words edited, from Chapter 7 to Chapter 9.


Today was the 1st of the month, and as you may know, the 1st of each month is now Community Day where I take time off to review fanfiction submissions and to respond to comments and emails. I ticked another story off my list today, and I'll resume editing as usual tomorrow.


Another 20,000 words edited, from Chapter 9 to Chapter 11. Editing is approximately 75% complete.


Another 15,000 words edited, Chapters 11 to 13.


15,000 words edited, from Chapter 13 to Chapter 15. There's only a little left to do, then I just have to run each chapter through some automated tools to check grammar and spelling, and I'm done.


The proofreading is finished, all I have to do now is run some automated checks, and I can start making the Ebook. Big thanks to everyone who helped point out errors and typos, it’s a big help.


What a great story, and sweet final:) I was thinking that a Hot Kofe type story but with Valbarans may be awesome and funny, looking foward for what's next!

Robert Gilbert

When you go to use the spellcheck, make sure to search for 'bay' and change it to baby, then 'toddle' and change it to toddler.


Editing is finished! All 15 chapters have been run through the appropriate checks, and I will start work on the Ebook tomorrow. I’m still not entirely happy with the chapter titles, I tried to do a thing where everything was named after genetic terms, but I kind of ran out of steam towards the end. I’ll probably mess around with that later.