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After finishing the Worlds Apart Remaster, I want to take two or three days to work on the website before I start work on the sequel. Progress has been pretty fast, I uploaded 28 of the 48 stories there today, and we'll be working on getting the image gallery up and running tomorrow. The Wiki will probably follow, then we just need to make some tweaks to the UI, and it should be ready for you guys to use. The reading experience on there is actually really nice, especially for mobile users.



Jacob Ganey

Kofe is still the ideal waifu

Jacob Ganey

Hey, will you let other people write on your website?


I don't have any plans for any real community features right now, it's mostly just an archive. The Wiki won't be editable by users, and while there will be an account system, it will mostly just be for comments. Patreon is kind of my community center, and that's not something I necessarily need to replace right now. I may be able to include a fanworks section in the future though.


Another update. All of the stories are now online save for a couple, and all of the artwork has been uploaded to the galleries. Hoping to work on some Wiki stuff tomorrow, that's the last big thing left to do before I can launch it.