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Here's the finished concept art for the Rask Crawlers, courtesy of Gungulon.

Above is the battleship variant, equipped with armaments salvaged from scuttled ships and abandoned bases. It has four autonomous CIWS guns capable of intercepting enemy missiles and aircraft, six naval railguns salvaged from a scrapped frigate, and a missile launcher taken from the bed of a truck. Its purpose is over-the-horizon engagements, remaining out of enemy detection range while providing fire support.

The carrier variant uses its on-board garage to service a fleet of light vehicles, including technicals and APCs, deploying them using its crane arm. The buildings mounted to the vehicles are prefab structures used for colonization that have been repurposed. 

If you'd like to check out more of Gung's stuff, you can visit him here:  https://twitter.com/gungulon



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