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Here's the re-edited and cleaned up edition of 'Rig Runner' in EPUB and MOBI formats.
This vibrant cover was provided by Sarichow, and you can check them out in the following places:




Bit of a progress update too. We're now eight Ebooks down with 6 to go, I'm hoping to get all of these done before January. These are just the ones I have covers for so far, and I'll be releasing the rest as I get more covers made. The one for 'Birds of Prey' is coming along but will unfortunately be delayed by the holidays so I don't know if that one will be available this month.


Scar are sexy, and I dunno why but I've always loved the color difference between her hair/fur and her skin. It's so subtle yet discernible, and also quite attractive.


I think that since Snek is doing all this wonderful editing for us we fans should step up our game I just finished chapter six of my fanfic and am starting chapter seven tomorrow. We should all do our part while Snek's doing his. Write a fanfic, get out our crayons and make fanart, and get the word out about his work. Let's make new stuff while he's polishing up his old. Creators love this kind of stuff. I actually just got a friend into it. So can everybody here.


Just a quick update, I've started work editing Demon Gate, but I have to get up super early to do some IRL stuff tomorrow so I may update late/at a weird time depending on your time zone.


I received your emails, Shark, I'll be updating your story as soon as I have the time.


Same here. Warrior of Silence is 92500 on the word count. I am getting close to getting it finished in I would say maybe a week or two. I had to introduce a whole new planet to this story. Really its world building for this one.


Honestly really hoping there's a sequel planned for that story. *fingers crossed for hot dragon women*


God damn. I love those cute little ears! And dat button nose too cute


Looking forward to the dragon story. :)