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Here's the first 34,000 words of the Goetic Justice re-edit, from chapters 1 to 6. Please let me know if you guys spot any errors or typos, I'm doing my best to make this the best that it can be. As stated in my earlier post this week, this is my attempt to get this story ready for sale on Amazon, and of course to provide you guys with the super duper deluxe Ebook.




I don't get it. Do we have to have a pastebin account to see this now?


No, you shouldn't need an account. Is there a problem with the link? I just checked it out in Incognito mode and it seems to be working right for me.


Tried all three browsers with ad block off. Could just be me.


That's strange, it isn't set to private or anything like that. Can you check and see if you can access other Pastebins besides this one?


I'm having issues too. It just asks if I'm starting a new paste. Maybe because it's an edit link or something.


Yeah. other pastebin work fine. just a bad link


Whoops, it was indeed an edit link, sorry about that guys. Should be fixed now.


Alright, this one's done, the next 35,000 words are edited. I managed to get that finished in two days, which bodes well. Hopefully it won't be too long before I can start the next project. I'll be making the Ebook tomorrow, which may take a while as I need to do some research into image compression and make sure that everything meets Amazon's standards. If I have time, I'll start editing the next story as well.


Good luck don't overwork yourself