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First off, I want to thank all of your for you amazing support. When I started writing crude fanfiction two years ago, I never imagined that things would spiral so horribly out of control that I'd eventually be releasing some real books for sale. Thanks to you, the fifteenth book cover is now in production and should soon be completed. I now have covers for all of the most important Pinwheel stories in their correct order, and for many of my side projects and one-offs. Equally importantly, I believe that I now possess the writing skills to go back and bring all of my older work up to a standard where I feel pretty confident selling it as a product on Amazon and other websites.

I have always dreamed of making something for people to enjoy, I have folders full of terrible comic books that I drew as a kid, and screenplays that will never see the light of day. Now thanks to your patronage I am realizing that dream, and I wouldn't have had the funding, nor the motivation to reach this stage without you. If you pledged one dollar, a hundred dollars, or if you just commented every now and then, thank you!

Once the editing on Black Velvet is completed, I intend to do an editing pass on pretty much all of the stories that have covers up to this point. Several are already complete, I don't foresee any serious hurdles except for the original Pinwheel, which may need some more lengthy rewrites. It shouldn't take too long, but there will be a short delay before the start of the next project while I get all of that sorted out. I will of course be providing daily updates as I always do during editing, and I'll be making new Ebooks and updating the Pastebin files with all of the changes. I probably won't be updating other websites with these changes, simply because the logistics of resubmitting so many stories is quite insurmountable at this point. That may change, but it's not my priority right now.

The end result will be a completely overhauled library of stories edited and updated to the best of my abilities, all with professional titled covers, made into Ebooks that will be fit for sale. Writing the stories and raising funds was Stage One, selling the Ebooks is Stage Two, and if all goes well I would like to eventually reach Stage Three which is selling merchandise (and providing it to Patrons of course!) Things like posters, t-shirts and novelty pillowcases are already within reach, maybe even limited print runs. I think that would be a lot of fun. That all depends on how well it goes with Amazon of course, (don't count your Krell eggs until they hatch and start blocking vents).

I'd also like to engage with you guys on the subject of how you'd like me to deliver these retail Ebooks to you. I feel like it would be wrong to charge for them in one place and provide them for free in another, but we're still a little ways off and there's plenty of time to get your feedback on the subject. Would you like the retail Ebooks to be exclusive to a Patreon tier? If so, what do you think is fair? Would you like for the retail Ebooks to be free for everyone up until the day they go live on Amazon? That's also an option! Should I personally email a zip file containing all of the Ebooks to everyone who ever pledged? If you have more ideas, let me know. Perhaps I should run a poll?

Regardless of what happens with the retail Ebooks, I will continue to produce regular Ebooks that will be available to everyone for free (they just won't have the covers included and maybe some of the special formatting), and I will continue to upload all of the stories to Pastebin and the various other websites that I post on. Paywalling any of the content would be functionally impossible, as I get my motivation and enjoyment from writing my daily updates and releasing my stories on sites like Literotica and Stories-Online, so by their nature they have to remain free or it would defeat the purpose. Even if you choose not to pay a penny, rest assured that you will always be able to read my stories and view all of the artwork. But if you want the super duper game of the year ultimate edition versions of the stories with both bells and whistles included, then I hope that I can produce a worthy product.

So let me know what you think, and here's hoping that we can keep this forward momentum going into next year!



Its exciting that you can make what you like doing into a profitable venture. I say do whatever you feel is right. Part of the reason I subscribe is because I think you should be able to be creative the way you want, and that includes distributing your fiction the way you want. Share your ebooks however feels right to you, until any Amazon agreement restricts that.


Well hey man, I don’t think many people would be upset with you wanting to make a little cake off of your books. Even if you’re doing it for pleasure, I know you’re putting hours on hours when it comes to completing this stories. I’m sure you have days where you don’t even feel like writing, so just do what you would think is best. Even if the books are a dollar, I mean.. something is better then nothing. I liked that idea though about the ebooks, a more polished version for those who do pay. Either way, whatever you decide, just do what you think is best!


I didn't realize how I'd dig a bodypillow of Raz.


Snake. I dont comment on anything and I hope I'm still your most loyal patron. You have proven to be paragon of passionate literature that I respect to no other. I do not know what will come from your machinations, but we both know you will make the right choice no matter what we say. I'm only sad that we will have to share you. But If you want a less ass-kissy answer with brutal honesty. Put them up on Amazon. You wouldn't believe the shit that gets on there. Once you grow a large enough following, when you start losing money because of Patreon. Close your Pateron account. We will still support you.


I wish you good luck with publishing! Editting all your old stories will be gigantic task, but you are a writer who is able to write circa 2000 words daily. I haven't still figured out how you do that. So I think editting will take a month at most. As far as I know very few stories need serious overhaul, for example the XCOM one. The rest are in pretty good state to publish. You may use Grammarly to check if there are some overlooked mistakes. Regarding published ebooks on Amazon and patreons, I think they should be available to pledging patreons as well for all tiers. You managed to get 100 patreons without any special rewards, some of them pay 1 dollar, some of them pay 5 dollars. Locking ebooks behind the highest tier would have been considered as unfair perhaps by the lowest tier patreons who has been supporting you for a long time. After these things are sorted out I will be looking forward to the story of a dragoness and a man that was mentioned before ;)


Hey, I've been following you for a while, defo more than a year and I must say I enjoy your work incredibly. Keep doing what you're doing , you are a gem.


Having also been around for a while, aka since before patreon, I say go forth and do what you want. I've always supported you because I liked what you were doing and I wanted to offer something to help you keep doing that for however long you wanted to. Pledging a monthly amount was never about buying a product or a way to hold leverage over you and I don't feel that should be the intent of patreon, so I won't try to dictate what you should or should not do. As for Amazon, I wish you the best of luck with that and I hope it's a success.


As long as you keep your stuff up on literotica it's fine by me. It's where I found you after all.


Yo, followed you since 4chan. Your patreon tiers were always pretty explicitly just a voluntary donation, not paying for access. In all seriousness, don't concern yourself with the patrons too much in terms of what we should get or still have access to or anything; if that was what we cared about, we wouldn't have bothered donating, we'd have just read silently.


Frankly, I'm okay with whatever. I'm just here ti donate what I can and enjoy whatever you put out. As long as I can keep reading, I'll be happy with the continued adventures of all out favorite characters.


Hi Snek! I've been a huge fan of your work for a very long time, ever since you first posted Seliphi's Heart on furaffinity in fact. You were like an oasis in the middle of the Sahara desert back then; I had seen absolutely no content like yours until you entered the scene, and I was instantly hooked. No matter what direction you choose to take with this retail thing, I'll always continue to support and believe in you (as long as your decision is within reason, but I trust your judgement.)


I am totally for whatever you need to do. I know that with the story universe you have created there is a lot of potential money making you can do. I think Amazon might be your best bet as I was thinking in the long term with my writing as well. Sketchywarrior, Myself, and other writers have our stories as well that can contribute to the universe and the experiences that you are going through can help us and other writers as well in getting the universe expanded. You would be surprised how something so small can become so large in the end. I can understand the need to go back and do editing. Even when I was writing Under the Influence and currently working on the Warrior of Silence I was shocked at how large it got, even rivaling the original Pinwheel story in size. I can't wait to come back and do revising/editing for Under the Influence. In the end without the original Pinwheel story none of this would have ever happened, none of us would be here writing comments, there would be nothing here. You never know this could actually be something that might appear on HBO once Game of Thrones come to an end for all we know. It might not happen today but for all we know in 10 years we could watching an R-Rated Pinwheel version, sex/nudity in all of Pinwheel on TV or online. It sounds crazy but shows like Overlord started as a story that eventually became an anime. As the original writer noted it was a fanfiction that became a reality. :)


Congratulations. I hope your creative juices can keep intact for the next 2 years. All of a sudden you will start getting Tefler like numbers. Can I suggest you bump the top tier to a higher number (similar to Tefler)? I think you are selling yourself short at a max of $5/month.

Wookey (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-12 16:09:32 I think the 101 Snekguy patrons should start a campaign of ensuring greater social media awareness to improve your numbers to >500. ie >$2,000/month
2018-11-14 22:06:56 I think the 101 Snekguy patrons should start a campaign of ensuring greater social media awareness to improve your numbers to >500. ie >$2,000/month

I think the 101 Snekguy patrons should start a campaign of ensuring greater social media awareness to improve your numbers to >500. ie >$2,000/month


BTW Tefler and AnnabelleHawthorne have made e-books available free to Patrons to had contributed above a certain amount. This would reward longer term and higher tier Patrons. The challenge is what the $$$ level is. Annabelle's was $15, Tefler's was higher.


Thanks Agelo! To be honest even if I started making any serious money on Amazon, I would still be posting my daily updates here, it's such a huge motivation for me.


I will check out Grammarly, thanks Lev. Perhaps one day I will be able to hire an editor and then I would never need to take a break from writing new content. The only reason I'm considering charging for anything is because I would feel bad having Amazon readers pay for them while providing them for free here.


I agree, the main purpose of the Patreon is raising money for book covers and acting as a kind of writing blog, if I would be putting anything behind tiers it would only be so that the guys buying the books on Amazon aren't getting a raw deal. Thanks again for the laptop you donated by the way, it's been a life saver. I've actually used it so much that I've worn out the battery, and I was wondering if you could tell me where you had gotten the aftermarket one so that I could replace it?


Yep, I'd never dream of taking anything down or stopping uploading, not only because I want as many people as possible to read my stories, but also because that's where I get the majority of my traffic and potential Patrons.


Thanks Kami-Kaze, we wouldn't even be having this conversation without those donations, much appreciation here. If I was to put anything behind the tiers, it would only be the retail versions of the Ebooks, which would be independent of the free ones. They'd just have covers included and maybe be slightly more polished if we're talking about the older stories. Again it's mostly just so that I'm not selling something in one place and providing it for free in another, which would be unfair. I feel like there need to be free Ebooks regardless of what I decide to do, simply because for some people reading Pastebins is just not a great experience.


I intend to keep going until the carpal tunnel makes my hands fall off!


Thanks for the support Adam! I'm still debating what to do, but whatever I decide the changes will be small, the most that will happen is that you'll be able to get an Ebook that includes a cover at a certain tier.


Right now not many people pay any attention to the tiers, they're mostly for fun. There are lots of people pledging way over $5 at the moment. In the future though if I am able to include gifts for you guys like the merchandise I mentioned, I would review the tiers.


I won't ask anybody to go out of their way to do anything like that, but if you guys share my stories with people who might be interested it's appreciated, even if they only choose to read and not to support the Patreon. My big goal is to make minimum wage or close to it doing this, through a combination of Patreon and Amazon perhaps, that way there's no danger of my output dropping or me having to take a hiatus if my living situation changes.


That's an interesting idea that I will consider, it seems like a lot though. If I was going to put the retail versions of the Ebooks behind a tier, it would probably only be their retail price or thereabouts, probably three or four bucks.