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My colleague in xenophilia Meandraco has just released his 'Teraurge' videogame, and I've been contributing some minor writing and random encounters over the last couple of months that I've kept under wraps until now.

It's a hybrid visual novel/adventure game featuring lots of cool artwork and writing.

You can download it for free from his blog here:  http://teraurge.blogspot.fi/2018/01/teraurge-10-release.html 

And you can visit him on Patreon here: www.patreon.com/meandraco/

See if you can figure out which of the scenarios I wrote. Hint: they probably contain the term 'viscous fluid'. 



Is there no way for me to leave the first "Area" as of this build? I feel like I've done everything from the water serpent fight to the death bowl. I can't seem to find a way to get on a boat, get past the Iron door or pass the stone wall. (Also what is with the sock nailed to a tree?)


yeah, right now only the first area is available. Game is in early stages