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So now that I've been able to commission more book covers thanks to your generous patronage, and my editing process has improved a lot, I've been thinking about selling my Ebooks on Amazon. 

I wanted to hear your input on some possible changes that I've been mulling over, mostly born from the concern that selling a product in one place and providing it for free in another would be sleazy.

This is the business model that I've come up with, so let me know your feelings on the matter:

-all daily updates remain free

-all Pastebins remain free

-I continue to upload all of my stories to Literotica, SOL, FurAffinity, etc (there will never be any 'backer only' stories or any content locked behind paywalls)

-I continue to produce free Ebooks, and all existing Ebooks remain free

-all artwork remains free for everyone (including the raw book covers)

-I will begin to produce premium Ebooks for sale that include book covers, better editing and more bells and whistles (I may even be able to hire a real editor one day if I can make enough)

-I will re-edit older stories to bring them up to the current standard, and put those up for sale/backers in the form of said Ebooks 

Is that something that you guys would be ok with, or do you think it's a bad idea? Do you have any suggestions of your own? If I were to implement this model, do you think that the 'premium Ebooks' should be given to all backers, or only to those who pledge a certain amount? I'm leaning towards the former but I'd like to hear your opinions. 

My ultimate goal with this is to find a way to make a living writing, which would mean that I'd never have to worry about reducing my output, and I'd never have to stop writing content for you guys. Currently I'm unemployed, which is one of the reasons I can write as much as I do. While I'm not facing any immediate financial problems, the day is nearing when I may have to get a real job, and in such a case I would likely have to reduce my output significantly.

Please let me know your feelings in the poll below! 



Sell your stuff, produce more Snek and Succubus related content. :)


I'm good with you selling, just please provide announcements with links so we know when/where to purchase them. Short teasers might be nice too.


If I were to sell them on Amazon then I would provide those same version to backers, so you wouldn't have to buy any, they should just be available for you to download whenever they're published. Teasers are a good idea!


GJ2 is in the pipeline, I hope to get to that in a couple of months.


Just checking, you guys can vote for multiple options, right?


Yep. Also, for what it's worth, I think everyone here is happy enough with the idea of you making something like a living from your writing. If we didn't think you deserved to be rewarded for your work then we could just have read it for free since you make it all available.


manyeyedhydra has had success distributing on literotica free and ebooks fee.


Thought about mentioning him but I have no idea how well his stuff is actually selling.


Do what fulfills you, but whatever that ends up being it needs to be sustainable. If you want to write fulltime in the long run then I have no problem with you selling Ebooks and/or limiting the Ebook/premium Ebook version to backers while keeping the pastebins free. I would prefer that some form of your content always remain free going forward, but if that's not viable then I'd still vote for you making the changes that are necessary to stay afloat while doing what fulfills you. Ultimately you need to look after yourself first, so please don't burn yourselves out trying to push unsustainable options.


I'm definitely going to keep the Pastebins and online content free regardless of what happens, not just for exposure, but because I don't think I'd get any enjoyment out of writing if I didn't. I get a lot of motivation out of interacting with you guys, and with people in the comments sections on the other websites. I see a lot of authors who will lock all of their content behind a paywall in an attempt to make money, and then they have like 30 people reading it, and that seems miserable to me.


Another option for rewarding backers based on their pledge while providing premium Ebooks to all patrons would be having votes for which story gets written next, and having higher pledges get more votes to cast. Would that interest you guys?


I feel like this always ends in frustration for most people while the whales can do whatever they want. Of course it's lucrative but I'd rather have everyone have the same voting power. The thing about patreon that I like is that authors can just do what they feel like(and be supported for it) and not be constrained by the highest bidder. Otherwise you'll basically do commissioned work only.


I look forward to the day that you are a renowned sci-fi/fantasy/smut author and I can brag to people that I discovered and backed you before it was cool. I'm very excited at the entire idea of you putting forward "premium e-books" on amazon, it seems like a great idea to tap into the market for sexually aggressive monster ladies.


I'm glad you think so! Thanks to you guys I've been able to hire some awesome artistic talent, and I'm hoping to produce something that people will feel is worth their time.


As one of the few content creators that consistently makes exactly the kind of stuff I enjoy, I would love to see you succeed. Having the ebooks as a hook and monetizing the future project voting could work well, but it might lock you into projects or content outside what you might want to do, and creative content is usually best if the creator has full control. Your content is a bit niche, so this might be less of an issue in your case. (Shameless plug: if you need any technical or editing help I'd be delighted to assist.)


Go for it man! I've been reading your stuff since the beginning and I would gladly buy some ebooks to support You!


I certainly wouldn't refuse any editing help, even just having someone else give it a once-over is very helpful. If I use the voting method, I'll be sure to present a selection that I'm motivated to write, I usually have a large backlog of stories that I'm itching to get to.