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Some of you may remember that I built a Pinwheel Timeline a while back, but due to a lack of free time, it got forgotten about for a little while.

On my day off yesterday, I decided to overhaul the timeline and get it polished up. It spilled over into today, as it ended up being quite complicated and required a lot of math, but it’s finished now.

I have added all missing stories and lots of important historical events (including a full breakdown for Worlds Apart, which gets asked about frequently). I’ve created custom icons for each entry, and every event has both a description and a clickable link that leads to a corresponding book where appropriate. If you find an event you want to know more about, or you want to read a story in its chronological order, the link will take you to it.

This should also allow me to more easily write stories that take place in the past relative to the current setting without confusing people or getting lost myself, for example a Borealan first contact story, or Raz and Stanley visiting Elysia.

The timeline is fully interactable with some nifty little animations provided by the plugin, and it all seems to work fine on both mobile and desktop. You can check it out here:


I'll get back to editing now!




wow this is really impressive!