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New comic, this one's based on Ecchi-Star's new track runner character, Freeta! (She's a little bit... obsessed... with running.) His Schoolgirl Ikuko also makes a cameo appearance. :D

I tried a different approach for this one - inked lines for better clarity. The question is, is it worth the effort? Does it improve the readability of the comic? 

See attached pencil version for comparison, and please let me know if I should continue to make comics like this, or if I should stick with the rougher pencil lines.




I like the inked version a bit more, but in terms of clarity and readability, I think the sketch does the job just fine and probably has a bit more personality. Also, "exhausted" typo.


Thanks for the feedback!! Ecchi said about the same. I agree the inks loses some of the nuance of the sketchy lines. Inking isn't really one of my strong points; when I worked professionally in comics someone else always inked my pencils so I have pretty much zero experience with inking. Though mini comics like these would be a safe place to experiment... (Ugh, can't believe I missed that typo. )