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Please go ahead and leave your character requests here for the next character poll. <3

Top voted characters for October were Blake and Yang from RWBY and Shego from Kim Possible (plus coming up soon, Tae Takemi from Persona 5 for September). Lots of cuties to draw. :)


Frank Mendez

Human Salem from RWBY (Seen in V6)

Aiyana MacLaughlin

Well recently saw a nice Celestia and Luna (human forms) wonder how you would do it so Celestia and Luna human form combo :)


Ayame from Gundam build Divers


Oh, sure, that sounds fun, I'll add 'em to the list. I'm curious about the pic you saw. Have a link to it?


Never mind, I figured it out. Her original form with the blonde hair, right?

Frank Mendez

Yes indeedy, thanks a bunch. :) She looks great in that form. Btw, loved your R63 pics of the male RWBY characters.