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Howdy folks, I'm back in the Baffler with a new piece about the state of the McMansion -- and how it's more popular than ever. 

New McMansion Hell will be up Friday. Sorry for the delay, the present state of affairs has not been very conducive to making funny house posts. 



The McMansion as Harbinger of the American Apocalypse

The street I grew up on in Moore County, North Carolina, is unrecognizable now. What was once a mix of modest, low-slung ranch-style houses interspersed with pockets of turkey oak scrub has been invaded by gargantuan homes with equally oversized trucks parked in the driveway.


Rachel Greenwald

Great ending: “When the resources of the commons no longer subsidize the whimsies of the rich, when there is truly nothing left to drink or burn in the tank, then, and only then, will we be able to look at the McMansion in retrospect.” Will it take the fall of the American empire for a real assessment of the failures of capitalist individualism?


Beautifully done.