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Hi everyone. Some exciting news. There will be a lot more Criticism Content from me in the coming weeks as I am doing a stint as critic-in-residence at The Nation. I'll be publishing there two times a week and cross posting the articles here as well. (Don't worry, there will still be the usual content as well.) 



Liberating Our Homes From the Real Estate-Industrial Complex

For the last six years, I have been running the architecture blog McMansion Hell , which highlights the most ridiculous examples of bloated, nouveau riche residential architecture in the United States. When I began the blog in 2016, the Internet was rife with prime examples of genuinely weird specimens.


Pascal Golay

Kate, you say that a neutral decor allows the potiential buyer to imagine thier own life -( and presumably, decor?) in a space, but immediately afterwards say "The home is no longer seen as a space of personal expression or comfort," That does not seem to jibe with the first bit, to me, if I understand. The neutralizing to sell (as distinct from to live in) , for better or for worse, would seem to be a way of acknowleging that the buyer is indeed entitled to make it as wacky as they like, and not depend on someone else's wackiness.

Emily McDaniel

Thank you for calling out "Realtor HDR" and the uncanny valley in which these rooms apparently reside. I quit taking my metro area's local home & garden magazine a few years ago, and one reason was because the photography went to heck with over-the-top HDR on all the images.