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Hello everyone! I'm back in the architecture criticism mines with two new articles published today. 

The first is about architecture firms' participation in Saudi Arabia's "The Line" project - a vanity bauble funded by oil money:https://thebaffler.com/latest/line-in-the-sand-wagner 

The second is about the great Autodesk Outage of 2022 and the increasingly unsustainable pace of architectural production: https://www.untappedjournal.com/issues/issue-1/the-day-architecture-stopped-kate-wagner 





Please continue to preach the good word about slowing this industry down! Most of my angst (and risk!) around my work as an architect in Chicago is centered around the breakneck pace of work.


And it's hardly just Architecture. Most things have been stuck in an ever-accelerating cycle of increasing "productivity" at the expense of worker health and safety. All of it needs to slow down.