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hope this was worth the wait!!!


The McMansion Hell Yearbook: 1980

(back of a quirky literary novel voice): Sometimes, things are not what they seem. An architecture critic disappears for three months to follow bike racing around Europe, rife with questions of becoming and desire.



Okay, I grew up on Staten Island and I agree with all the localized Islander things in here. I had friends with a "living room" where everything was covered in plastic AND I was never allowed in it because that was for guests and I was just a kid. Also they'd have chairs that weren't for sitting in, they were just for show because they were too fragile for anyone but like a cat to sit in. Also also what neighborhood is this in, I have got to find it!

Christopher Mario

Those "fireplace nubs" are actually attic fans, I suspect. Every house in my native Jersey had one back then, including ours. The placement so close to the ridge is pretty odd, though. Could have been an attempt to remedy inadequate cooling, either because there were not upstairs and downstairs zones, or because the second floor did not have ceiling returns.