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Howdy folks!

I apologize for the lapse in the This Week in Design newsletter - since the whole COVID thing started basically most of design is cancelled and those stories that persist are just about how the virus is wrecking everything, which I don't think makes for very fun weekly reading. Until the world gets back to normal, since the drawings have gotten such a fabulous response, I'd like to replace the newsletter with weekly drawings.

Since everyone's cooped up inside and miserable, I still plan on releasing at least one of these drawings to the general patron pool every month, because they seem to make people smile which is what we all need right now. I like doing the giant birds, but if you have any other suggestions for McMansion-themed art that isn't too technically demanding, I'd love to hear them in the comments box below, as well as your feedback on this rewards change. 

Have a great weekend!




I'm definitely looking forward to the conversation that two birds might have at their respective his and hers sink... 40 some odd feet away from each other.