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The Brutalism Post, Part 2: What Brutalism is Not

Why open a series about Brutalism by discussing what is not Brutalism? The answer is simple: of all of the terms in the history of architecture, Brutalism is perhaps the most misused and misunderstood by the general public. Pictured: Citizens Bank Tower, 1958-66. Not Brutalism (it's just plain ol' International Style modernism).



When I graduated from college...a long time ago, my first job as a chemist was at the old Amoco Oil Refinery in Sugar Creek, Missouri. The Lloyd's Building looks like a cat cracker (Catalytic Cracker) to me. Refinery-inspired architecture!


That rounded staircase in the Endo Laboratories building reminded me of a lot of buildings from my childhood in Eastern Europe. I think it's the giant rounded concrete that gives me a fuzzy, nostalgic feeling. In a way the houses in my New England suburb feel a lot more cold and foreboding, with all the wood-like siding that feels so wrong and not like anything I grew up with.


The only other case of architecture-follows-refinery I know of is the Southern Sun, an alleged "spaceship" made in South Africa.