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We vote by mail in Washington, too (at least in King County, featured last week!). And the county now pays our postage! This is the best way to vote.


I live in Missouri. No early voting and no mail in voting. We have to go to the polls and vote. We passed a medical marijuana constitutional amendment but didn't pass the fuel tax so we could repair our failing infrastructure. Yay! Maybe the tax money from medical marijuana should be used for infrastructure instead of going to some veteran's commission (that's where it's supposed to go but the legislature will rewrite the funding formulas and the money will go into some black hole, never to be seen again, much like the lottery money and the casino boat money that was supposed to make our state rich). Okay, off the soap box and back to McMansion Hell reality. I've been a bit behind due to moving my inlaws to assisted living and dealing with a recalcitrant mother-in-law that insists she's "independent" despite not being able to drive or even walk. I'm looking forward to catching up on Kate's posts.