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Hello folks! 

This has been a long time coming, but in honor of the new "season" of McMansion Hell, I'm updating the (in my opinion very dated and hard to keep up) Patreon Rewards. These are not final and are open to discussion!!

Here are the proposed new Reward Tiers: 

$1: Access to the Good House of the Week (this remains the same)

$3: Access to a monthly live Crowdcast session, where I roast houses you send me in-chat. 

$5: Access to a new series where I write monthly essays explaining topics from architectural history and theory. 

$10: Bonus monthly roast of a non-McMansion (this is where I will roast new buildings by famous architects)

$20: McMansion Hell After Dark (pics cut from posts because the jokes were not necessarily age-appropriate for regular McMansion Hell) 

$50: Access to the Archives: pictures and writings on historical design from Sears Catalogs in the 1900s to HGTV screencaps, where they come from, and what they mean. (I'm ambivalent about this one)

$100: McMansion Hell will roast your house. 

Let me know what you think! 

My goal is to avoid physical rewards because 1) it's really expensive and time consuming; 2) it's very hard to keep track of and has really turned into quite an unsustainable mess and 3) a lot of you are not in the US. Batch delivery of online content can be spread throughout the month and is much more reliable and less messy, and frankly I think you get more from it. 

The goal of the new rewards is to fund: 

- a fresh look for the website (new logo and banner) 

- a design-writing competition for high school-aged writers 

- new software for image processing (making posts look better) and improved web design

- research and procurement of archival material

I plan on implementing at least some of these before the next billing period, so please don't hesitate to share your opinion!!



I like the idea of monthly essays! Is the bonus monthly roast a live roast or a blog post? I feel like $20 a month for cutting room floor bawdy jokes is a bit excessive, but I don't think there is anything that is going to convince me to give anyone $20 a month on Patreon so I am not your target audience there. $50 tier: again I don't understand what this is, but yeah, $50 a month??? If you are writing a book maybe just start a second Patreon account and charge people another $3-$5 a month to see what you are researching and writing.


frankly i have no idea what to do for $50/mo so i might just leave it as is