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Hi, I traveled A Lot and spent a lot of time thinking about this idea that I sincerely believe in. 


Looking Around: All Buildings Are Interesting

Consider this statement: All buildings are interesting. There is not a single building that isn't interesting in some way. To say that something is interesting is not a qualitative statement - it does not imply that all buildings are "good" or "bad," or that all buildings are Important Architecture® - only that they are interesting.



I loved this piece, particularly because I already follow quite a few of those photographers of overlooked and ordinary buildings on Flickr. And yet I hadn't yet followed the one you highlighted in this essay -- bonus new Flickr find!


Kate, just FYI, this inspired my own blog post, adapting your idea to a completely different subject: <a href="http://www.lindasuskie.com/apps/blog/show/45731244-all-assessment-is-interesting." rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.lindasuskie.com/apps/blog/show/45731244-all-assessment-is-interesting.</a> Of course I give you credit and include a link back to this post. Thank you for the inspiration!