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Hey, y'all: 

It's finally here! The article I wrote for The Atlantic on urban noise, abatement laws, and inequality. 

I hope you enjoy it!


City Noise Might Be Making You Sick

What are your ears hearing right now? Maybe the bustling sounds of a busy office, or your partner cooking dinner in the next room. Whatever the texture of the sonic landscape of your life may be, beneath it all is the same omnipresent din: the sound of cars.



The building envelope needs to provide adequate shelter - not just from inclement weather but from everything that weathers us, like pollution in any form. Great to point out noise - properly built dwellings needs to be mandated to combat it, like with highest possible STC rated building materials and especially fenestrations on existing structures! Case in point: great architecture isn’t just making it pretty but takes real thought to be apt at safekeeping its inhabitants.


we read about this in a course i took on the anthropology of sound! very good stuff