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Looking Around: On Moving; or, The Story of a Little Old House

Author's Note: This article consisted of two weeks of intense research, involving scouring over fire insurance maps, tables of wages, census records, Sears catalogs, and atlases. Before I begin, I owe some mad thanks to those who helped provide their resources and advice: preservationist Jackson Gilman-Forlini, furniture history guru Susannah Wagner, the nice folks from the Maryland Historical Society, and the research library staff at the Johns Hopkins University.



Pretty interesting how you delved into the complexities of moving in the early 20th centtury. Honestly had never thought about it much.


Small word of warning: the old map makes it very easy to find your house. Especially combined with the current google maps picture. Not sure if you care, but your blanking of street and house numbers makes it seem that you do.