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or: towards a theory of styrofoam gothic


ode to a faux grecian urn

ode to a faux grecian urnHowdy everyone, Today's house, built in 2001, comes to you from, you guessed it, the Chicago suburbs. The house is a testimony to traditional craftsmanship and traditional...


Carol Avila

What I don’t get: they spent vast amounts of money on crap but can’t buy original art?

John W. Moore-Weiss

I do remember Raggity Ann and Andy, but I've also had multiple colonoscopies. Well done, there. However, my young children also have Raggity Anns and I'm not subjecting then to the probulator on that grounds alone. (My mother made the dolls for them, in case you're wondering.)


Honestly I'm offended that a house that big only has 5 bedrooms. My friend's technically-not-mcmansion is half that size and has 7 bedrooms! Having a giant-ass house and not having enough rooms to invite everyone you know to stay at is the ultimate sign of sociopathy.


Why does all the furniture look cheap? You've spend millions on the house, but then furnish it with what looks like plastic patio furniture and Marlo clearance items. Screams I spent all the money on the horrifying house.