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Hey all!

Happy New Year!! As you know, I'm finally unpausing this page come Jan. 1st, so please be prepared for that payment to hit (or, cancel if you can't afford it, no judgement!)

✨ Tier Updates ✨

New year, new tiers! I've tried to structure these rewards based on what I can realistically accomplish every month, instead of just packing in a ton of rewards like before. The biggest change is that I'm bringing back the $10 tier! For this, you'll get 3 Prints + the sticker bundle (with the option to choose which prints you want, or I'll just send the most recent ones). You'll also be able to participate in a monthly Patreon Sketch Request/Q&A!! Basically, I'll make a post at the start of each month asking for sketch requests and/or character questions, and sketch as many as I can by the end of the month. You can ask me to draw anything (characters from other fandoms, or just random ideas you come up with are all free game!)

I want to expand this tier with other perks in the future, but for now this is where we're going to start. I'm so excited to get some input from you all on what I should draw! And, I think it will be nice to get to regularly interact with the community in this way.

The first Sketch Request/Q&A will take place at the start of February, since I'm going on my honeymoon early next month. I also want to give new folks time to join this tier now that I've unpaused it.

Nothing else is really changing for the other tiers, although I will say for all $2 patrons and above, I've decided not to post the rest of the Ch1 pencils. Only because most of the second half of this chapter has been edited HEAVILY, and the pencils now have dialogue and scenes that are no longer canon. Sorry!! But, pencils will resume SOON as we get into Chapter 2!!

✨ My 2024 Goals ✨


Y'all, this minicomic has been so hard for me to get back to working on, but I really want to do it this year. I have lots of ideas for revisions I want to make now that I've fleshed out Kai and Alex more through doing this reboot, but I need to just sit down and get it done.

2. Finish KAI Chapters 2-4

This would be a huge achievement for me, but I think I can get it done with my current productivity! I want to have KAI Act I (Chapters 1-8, roughly) mostly finished within the next 2 years, which would allow me to start preliminary work on a KAI Vol. I print release! 👀

3. Have 100+ active patrons by the end of the year, and 200 total followers

This would mean just about doubling the amount of patrons there are now, which I think is doable for this year. Once Ch2 starts, the series will really hit the ground running (since Ch1 is mostly stuff you all have seen before, with a fresh coat of paint. Ch2 really changes up the story in a lot of different ways!)

4. Start the Pat and Gianni miniseries

Pat and Gianni fans rejoice!! I know I've gone back and forth on this, but this story is literally my biggest passion project right now and something I just need to create. I think I've finally settled on a great direction for the project, and I want to get this in the works before the end of this year (meaning script and visual development mostly!) I'm envisioning this as a short (maybe 50 page) slice-of-life webtoon, that can be expanded later on if the series gets good feedback. So, maybe look forward to some more P&G stuff later this year!

✨ New Print!! ✨

First off, I've already sent out prints/stickers to all new $5 patrons earlier this month, so if you haven't yet received your rewards, please let me know immediately.

I'm excited to reveal another print is in the works!! These ones I will hopefully be sending at the end of January. Here's the WIP:

I'll put up a poll in February for patrons to vote on what I do for my next print. :3

That's all for now! I hope you're all enjoying the winter season!! Thanks as always for your support. <3


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